Horoscope: Nov 20 – 26, 2017

Nov 20 – 26


What to expect: Investments
What to watch out for: Waiting too long
What will it affect? Money, investments, relationships, choice

On November 21st Venus in Scorpio is sextile Pluto in ambitious Capricorn. We can expect a transformative time with respect to currency and investments. Our values are also being transformed, so as you look at your investment options you may begin to consider the Bitcoin or other crypto currency over the traditional currency, disruptive technology over tried and true, alchemy (science which takes into account spirit) over science. This is a good time for investment and venture capitalism. Mars will also sextile the North Node, pointing us in the right direction and moving us towards our intended purpose. Projects will get off the ground and have the potential to have the right backing. If you need to approach someone for financial support or capital, now is the time to do it. It’s a slim window to act and our timing is everything because the very next day Neptune will go direct on November 22nd. It’s one day to avoid major actions. Things may be a little hazy. Not only that, Venus squares the nodes making paths diverge. Right or wrong we make choices about the direction of our riches.

Why? Venus Sextile Pluto, Mars Sextile North Node, Neptune Direct, Venus Square Nodes

Ah-ha Moments and Breakthroughs

What to expect: Advancement
What to watch out for: Forgetting to capture insights
What will it affect? Communication, relationships, ideas

On November 24th painful conversation will emerge. This is because Chiron, the wounded healer is involved. These conversations may be about our deepest held beliefs. We may have difficulty with what comes to light and realize that somewhere deep inside of us we have a deeply held opinion about it. Forgiving and forgetting might be challenging. Don’t let your beliefs blind you. The way to do this is to face the emotion. Moving through the emotions and coming to the other side helps us to be able to take advantage of the other energy now at play. Venus is sextile Juno helping us to sort out and renegotiate our partnerships. We are bringing in a very feminine energy that is seeking mutuality and respect. We need to imagine a new path and Mercury and Uranus will help us do just that. Mercury is trine Uranus on November 25th giving us aha moments and breakthroughs. Keep a notepad handy because we’ll likely have flashes of genius – You’ll want to capture them so that you can capitalize on them later on.

Why? Mercury Square Chiron, Venus Sextile Juno, Mercury Trine Uranus

Social Impact

What to expect: Transforming wounds
What to watch out for: Acting from unhealed places
What will it affect? Relationships, social change, feminine wounds, feminine justice.

By November 26th Venus will trine Chiron providing an opportunity for healing within our relationships and partnerships. Venus is still in Scorpio, so she takes us deep into our jealousies and insecurities. With her trine to Chiron, you’ll realize it’s not just you; collective wounds rise to the surface. Wounds to the feminine and issues related to power and abuse of power come up for healing. Thi

s all happens as a good thing and Saturn trine Pallas on the same day allows us to take our wounds and get political. If we come from a place of strength and leadership and we are now able to effect social movements and change. Make no mistake, businesses are the modern day effectors of social change, so if you can find room your business to lead with that kind of impact, do so.

Speaking of wounds that lead to strength and leadership, this doesn’t just happen. Acting from unhealed places within ourselves can at its worst be outwardly destructive and at is best, self – sabotaging. Often we need to work at it. And further, once we understand our wounds we need to go an extra step to learn how to translate them into strength and leadership. With Jupiter is Scorpion for the next year, it would behoove you to take advantage of its transformative power and ensure that your leadership actions are coming from a place of strength. We’ve designed a course to help you with just that. It’s coming up in January!

Click Here to get on the list for information and updates… Plus early bird discounts!

Why? Venus Trine Chiron, Saturn Trine Pallas




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Horoscope: Nov 13 – 19, 2017

Nov 13 – 19

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Business Booty Call

What to expect: Sweet deals
What to watch out for: Deception
What will it affect? Money, relationships, contracts, communication

Venus will conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio. Scorpio is a money sign and it’s essence when it comes to money is transformation. Some will win and some will lose. Or at least something will be lost in order for something to be gained. There is a sweetness to it though. Like when you lose your singlehood to form a partnership, or when you become house rich and money poor. You get something and you lose something and that ‘something’ you gain has a little bit of a cost.

I had a friend who used to say to me “you can have it all, but you can’t have it all at the same time”. Yet Jupiter will make us feel so optimistic that we believe that we can have it all at once. Jupiter’s expansive quality may make our eye’s bigger than our stomach. Venus will egg him on. And this is where we can feel the pinch of losses. To add to it, Mercury will be squaring Neptune and fogging our vision. For this reason, stay away from big business or contractual decisions. They will feel good in the moment but the sketchiness may show up in the small print. You may even see the unfairness but will convince yourself it’s not likely to happen. Trust me. It’s likely to happen.

The best approach is to explore the gain’s, the losses and the depth’s with moderation and without making any commitment. Call it a business booty call! Clarity will come in coming weeks and at that time you can commit. But for now, keep it honest and keep it at the no-strings-attached level…. if you can!

Why? Venus Conjunction Jupiter, Mercury Square Neptune

Nurturing Creativity

What to expect: Creative imaginings
What to watch out for: Laziness
What will it affect? Self-care, creativity, healing, creative ideas

Between the 15th and 16th Mars will move into a mini grand trine with Ceres and Mercury. Mercury and Ceres will trine and Mars will jump in between to sextile them both. Mercury and Ceres will engage in a deep conversation and may even be philosophical and big picture about the need for creativity. Mercury understands deeply the wisdom of fun at this time. But there is a difference between saying and doing. Mars is a doer, but in the sign of Libra can be a bit indecisive. Since it’s also making a sextile, the energy can easily be ignored. An opportunity exists if acted on, to allow the creativity to be expressed in ways that can deeply nurture. There is a problem though; the problem is that Vesta will oppose Pallas causing a conflict between our head and heart. There is guilt around pursuing our passion, maybe because it seems decadent or privileged. Our intellect says go for it, but our passion is worried about being politically correct. Vesta and Pallas are both in the very last degree and second of Libra and Aries making this energy particularly intense.

There are two other energies at play that would advise you to silence that guilt. The Sun will trine Chiron and will give us some medicine for healing the little poisons within that stop us from our brilliance. The second is that Venus will trine Neptune, making us highly imaginative and creative. Now is the time to trust that your creativity is good and will benefit both you and humanity. Keep this in mind… when we take care of ourselves, we fill our well and set an example.

Why? Mars Sextile Ceres, Vesta Opposition Pallas, Venus Trine Neptune, Sun Trine Chiron, Mercury Trine Ceres, Mercury Sextile Mars

New Moon in Scorpio

What to expect: An opportunity to set intentions
What to watch out for: Defense mechanism
What will it affect? Healing, intimacies, groups

The New Moon on the 18th is in Scorpio. The Scorpio energy wants us to go deep and to transform. The New Moon is making a tense aspect to Uranus, so we can expect some curve balls. Especially if we try to avoid the depths. The New Moon is also making a trine to Chiron, the wounded healer and will provide energy for deep healing. Now is the time for setting intentions, so use the energy of this New Moon to envision what healing will look like. You can do this for yourself if you are in deep need of healing or for humanity if you well is already filled. We can easily entrain others to our higher vibration to encourage healing.

On the same day, Mercury will trine the nodes and can bring us together with the right people. Even though we may connect with the right people, we may wonder if in fact, we are? Venus is squaring Ceres making us hungry for acceptance and inclusion and a little bit sensitive. There is a balancing act that needs to take place. We haven’t quite gotten the give and take just right. There is a tendency to feel like we are giving too much. And the tendency with Scorpio energy is to camouflage our insecurity. The invitation is to let down our defenses and allow for intimacies to heal. There is a deep reward in connection at this time.

Why? New Moon at 26°Scorpio, Mars Square Pluto, Mercury Trine North Node, Venus Square Ceres


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Horoscope: Nov 6 – 12, 2017

Nov 6 – 12

Photo by Oliver Cole on Unsplash

Equity & Equality

What to expect: Push for fairness
What to watch out for: Injustice and inequality
What will it affect? Work, beliefs, change

The balance may be upset in the world of work at the beginning of this week as Vesta opposes Uranus on Nov 7th. Vesta is in Libra and is interested in partnerships and equality. As she opposes Uranus we can expect for some sort of rebellion seeks fairness in work. Maybe it’s that women will ask again for equal pay or equal treatment to men. Perhaps the harassment disclosures in Hollywood will spark a movement for amends and improvements in all workplaces that seek to correct the imbalance.

Saturn in Sagittarius, will sextile Vesta and will help to ground new thinking and attitudes in the workplace. Work towards new policies or legislation spurred on by these new attitudes will likely make the news.

Why? Saturn Sextile Vesta, Uranus Opposition Vesta


What to expect: Relationship Transformation
What to watch out for: Running from sharing
What will it affect? Relationships, partnerships, shared resources

We have some help in our relationships this week. Juno and Pluto are coming together in a conjunction on Nov 11th. As they move closer, the Sun will send a beam of light, shining from the Scorpionic depths to both of them. Juno and Pluto are in Capricorn bringing up the issue of commitment and long-term partnerships. It’s also is bringing up respect and respect issues within our relationships. As they come together, the energy of Pluto wants to transform these issues. The energy of the Sun in Scorpio joins hands with Pluto to unearth the issues that lie beneath.

Venus is opposite Pallas in the middle of all of this, so a conflict may arise throws our head and intellect into conflict with our heart and values. Venus is in Scorpio and is aching for intimacy. If she doesn’t get it, she may through caution to the wind and seek it out in other ways.

Why? Sun Sextile Juno, Venus Opposition Pallas, Sun Sextile Pluto, Pluto Conjunction Juno

Open to Change

What to expect: Changing beliefs
What to watch out for: Resistance
What will it affect? Beliefs, ideologies

By the weekend Saturn will trine Uranus. Saturn is coming to the end of his time in Sagittarius. Sagittarius can be committed to an ideology on one end and just plan dogmatic on the other. While Saturn has been in Sagittarius it has been testing our beliefs. It’s been difficult to open up to new ideas and to accept that we may not know everything or that we may have even been wrong. But there is no better time than now to check in with those beliefs. Are they false beliefs? Do they drive us to hurt ourselves or worse, hurt others? Taking responsibility for our incorrect perceptions opens the door to changing our behaviour. We are open to change as Uranus gives us that “break-free” energy.

If you have any breakthrough or leading edge ideas, now is a good time to share them. Not everyone will be onboard, the Sun will square the Nodes, and some will move forward with us embracing change. Others will need a bit more work on themselves before they can open allow themselves to follow that path.

Why? Saturn Trine Uranus, Sun Square North Node



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