Libra Full Moon – April 16, 2022

The Full Moon on April 16 is at 26 degrees of Libra. This full moon brings to culmination issues in the area of relationships, justice, issues of balance, or imbalance. Libra is also associated with war, particularly when things get out of balance – it seeks to re-balance, and that sometimes happens through fighting.

The Sabian symbol for the full moon degree is “An airplane hovering overhead”. There are many things that come to mind when we see a plane overhead. Where are the people going? Vacation? We do this when the stresses of life get to us and we are seeking balance. Or is it a plane seeking to throw us out of balance… Is it a fighter jet? The jet overhead seeking to have an advantage in a war situation? Or a jet as a conspiracy theorist would suggest leaking chem tails threatening to bring imbalance in other ways?

The Moon is also squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto has been in Capricorn for quite a number of years but is now headed towards the end of its time there. In the final degrees, Pluto will add the final details to the transformation of all forms of structures. On the world stage, government and old corporate institutions. In our personal lives, the structures of our relationships. And, since the new moon is squaring Pluto this brings up boundaries issues; land boundaries, personal boundaries, governmental boundaries, and perhaps overreach.

The moon is also conjunct to the asteroid Elatus, which brings two possibilities. The first is eloquent talk or speech with the purpose and ability of deceiving, and the second is all about dodging a bullet. In mythology, Elatus was shot with a poisonous arrow and died. The poisonous arrow also passes through him and hits Chiron in the knee, wounding him, but not killing him.

In the first scenario, Elatus may work with the moon to present a lie to either get out or into a situation. The ruler of the moon is Venus in Pisces, which is also trine to Mercury and Uranus adding an element of beautiful, etheric, and unusual speech. A leader may lie, a lover may deceive…with Venus, Mercury, and Uranus in such a creative aspect, the deception may even come in the form of music rather than speech. Don’t forget, binaural beats, now used for health and wellness, were a tool developed by the CIA in the Gateway Program and used for government purposes.

In the second scenario, which is far more interesting and potentially bittersweet. The energy of the moon may present a situation that, though hurting, also protects Chiron from death. Chiron right now is in Aries and is suffering a wound around self-expression and freedom. On this full moon, someone may unintentionally take an arrow and poison, which may result in allowing self-expression and freedom to live. Not only live but also one day heal.

It’s not an easy full moon, but a happy full moon! Life will always throw us situations that test our balance… but it’s harder to be deceived when we seek and rely on our own internal balance.

New Moon in Aries – April 1, 2022

The Sabian symbol for this New Moon in Aries is “a flock of wild geese”. When Dane Rudhyar breaks down the meaning of this degree he points out how in tune these birds are to planetary alignment and cycles on one hand and points out the concept of ‘heaven meeting earth’ represented by the earth-born birds being able to master flight into the heavens, on the other.

Interestingly enough, the asteroid leleakuhonua which in Polynesian means “where heaven meets earth” is exactly conjunct the New Moon pointing again to something about the horizon.

This space where heaven meets earth or the horizon is an important part of the sky when you are born. It’s the rising sign (or ascendant) and it describes who we are, how we are seen, and what is shown to others.

And who we are is a major theme of the new moon.

The asteroid Chiron is conjunct to the New Moon. Chiron in Aries is a wound. A wound from expressing ourselves. A wound that requires courage. A wound that may cause us to fear assertiveness or self-reliance. It’s a wound that scars our personal freedom, our personal power. Aries says this is who I am and Chiron says “I’m sorry, who you are is not okay”.

Someone recently made a joke about the geese convoy flying into Ottawa Canada causing “statesmen and authoritarians to relive the traumatic events of the Freedom Convoy” with their honking. This is the time of year when Canadian geese make their springtime trip back to their home. They swoop across the sky in a V shape honking as they fly by. They are just doing their thing. Expressing who they are, operating in line with what is natural to them…Imagine if someone declared “no more honking”, no more flying in a V, and now you can’t fly through or out of Canada. The geese may say… but this is who we are and these are our God-given rights!

This new moon asks you to be unapologetically YOU, despite the name-calling, the disapproval, and blatant request not to be you. It asks you to do so because it is cosmically how you were designed.

That said, it is not permission to be the lowest version of yourself! Mercury and the asteroid Niobe are also conjunct the new moon. Niobe represents undue pride in who you are and what you have accomplished. You will need to be humble and kind in expressing yourself. Things that are said in spite, even if true, can lead to a fall from grace!

Happy New Moon in Aries

Virgo Full Moon – March 18, 2022

Full Moon – March 18, 2022

The Full moon is at 27 degrees of Virgo. Habits, plans, and/or health issues come to a culmination.

The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” captures the integration of this culmination. While the sun is calling on us to trust and have faith, the moon is asking us to have a plan, build habits and pay attention to the details in order to get to our goals.

The moon is also conjunct the asteroid Aphrodite bringing in love and attractiveness to the full moon energy. Have our habits, plans, and approach to health helped or hindered our love and attractiveness? Perhaps its time to deal with the covid 19 (lbs) that we all put on. Did we maintain our habits and plans in the last couple of years? Or did everything completely fall apart? Now is the time to let go of bad habits that are no longer supporting you.

The Sabian symbol for the moon is A bald-headed man dominates gathering of national figures. The brings in a central figure who has an influence on all nations and causes us to zoom out from ourselves and focus on world activities. This central figure could be religious. In our world, it could also be the head of one of the world agencies, eg the world health organization (WHO). It may even be a not so liked central figure. Have you planned for emergency situations or shortages? The full moon brings to light shortcomings in our emergency plans.

The moon is trine to Pluto and the North Node and the Sun sextile to Pluto and the North Node. This is called a kite. The energy gives us the motivation to transform the structures of our lives and will help to point us in a new direction.

Mercury, the ruler of the moon is in Pisces, conjunct Jupiter and Neptune, and sextile Uranus in Taurus gives us the ability to use our imagination, intuition, and our connection with the divine to help us.

Divine inspiration is possible.

Happy Full Moon!