Scorpio Lunar Eclipse – May 5, 2023

The May 5th lunar eclipse is at 15 degrees of Scorpio.

Lunar eclipses happen because they are close to one of the nodes which are formed by the moon crossing the ecliptic (the path of the Sun). In astrology, the nodes are karmic points, and during eclipses, karmic things tend to happen, seemly out of nowhere. Scorpio is a money planet; it rules shared resources, taxes, insurance money and other people’s money. It also rules secrets, things that are hidden, control and manipulation. Scorpio rules sex, the cycles of life (life and death), psychiatry, and psychology. It’s mystical, magical and occult. So, Scorpio isn’t exactly light. It deep. Deep in a positive or in a negative way. But deep!

The modern ruler of Scorpio is Pluto and the classical ruler is Mars. Any way you look at it, modern or classical, this is a tricky and explosive eclipse. This is because both rulers, Mars and Pluto are coming into opposition. By May 19th and 20th they will also be square to the nodes. At our last eclipse (also in Scorpio) we saw the FTX crypto exchange crash and disappear, and with it, a lot of other people’s money. And as Pluto transited at the last degree of Capricorn, large banks started to fail. This eclipse will likely bring similar news. We’ll also likely see difficulties in any sexual relationships where power plays may emerge. The lash-out might also be connected to stress around money. Finally, dark magic or occult issues may surface (Don’t forget, words are magic spells). You may want to keep your shungite, black tourmaline and your red jasper close by! Some sage might also be helpful. This will help you block whatever shade is coming your way.

If you want to know how the eclipse is affecting you personally, you can book some time with me!

The eclipse is opposite Uranus, the planet of surprise and Vesta the asteroid associated with work and commitment. Don’t be surprised if you decide to quit your job out of nowhere, or if your workplace experiences a mass exodus. Uranus and Vesta are in Taurus, so there is a large focus on money, increasing our worth, and creating stability. Don’t expect loyalty to a workplace if it doesn’t help to meet basic needs. Choices made at this time will reflect a commitment to ourselves and to increasing our worth and stability.

This lunar eclipse has a special relationship to Mercury, which has been travelling close to the Sun and has been triggering this eclipse over the last couple of weeks. This simply means that Mercury has been helping to build the plot line of this particular eclipse. On April 17th it opposed the eclipse point. On the 25th, it happened again. Mercury will go over the point again on May 31. This eclipse story is likely an epic rather than the usual novella.

The good news, thank God there is good news, is that the moon is conjunct Poseidon. Poseidon brings higher consciousness, truth, spiritual illumination and enlightenment. Although this all comes in the wake of some very difficult energy, we will feel good about it as it always feels good when we finally connected with the truth. If the dots haven’t connected or a piece of the story seemed to be missing, the dots and pieces will emerge and things will finally start to make sense!

The Sabian Symbol for the moon is “Children playing around five mounds of sand”. Children playing around sand mounds is bound to result in a half-buried child (head poking out), or attempts to dig tunnels and build sand castles. There may be biting ants in the sand, or sand flies. Five is the number related to change, creativity, and inventiveness, so this suggests that even though it may be a bit dangerous, playing and being lighthearted within the energy will bring solutions and strangely, some element of fun.

Happy Lunar Eclipse!

New Moon in Capricorn – December 23, 2022

The New Moon on December 23rd, 2022 is at 1 degree of Capricorn. Capricorn is about structure, restrictions, control, and restraint. It’s ambitious and status-oriented. It’s also disciplined, contentious and conservative.

The new moon forms a significant T-square. A T-square is when a planet is in a square with two other planets and those two other planets are opposing. Energetically this T-square is in cardinal signs, which means the energy is impulsive and action-oriented (as these are the signs at the beginning of each of the seasons). It struggles with conflict, balance, restraint and restriction, and emotion. With this T-square, even though the moon is in a sign that it’s most uncomfortable with, the key to handling this new moon, is to go into and stay with our emotions; acknowledged them, understand them, provide to ourselves any emotions that have been missing, for example, love or compassion.

The new moon is conjunct Hygiea. Hygiea was named after the goddess of health and represents the actions we take to preserve our health. The new moon is also conjunct Ixion, which was the first murder in Greek mythology. In astrology, it represents the violation of social norms of conduct but can also literately mean murder, as it’s often prominent in the charts of murderers or homicides. The new moon in Capricorn may be very Karmic around these areas, however, it’s asking us to take responsibility, have restraint and have self-discipline.

This is made difficult by the two squares that the new moon is making. The New Moon is square Jupiter, which has just recently returned to Aries. Jupiter in Aries is expanding our need to express ourselves and be who we are. We want to do this so much that we will war with people about it. We will also try to push our point with Jupiter conjunct Manwe which is at the last degree of Pisces. Manwe represents communication, but in the negative represents an obsession with logic and making a point instead of addressing the emotionality of situations. It also is propaganda, hype or the spin and being in the last degree a Pisces, this will seem like an attractive option for expression.

On the other side, the New Moon squares Ceres in Libra representing balance around food and nurturing and relationships. Beside Ceres is Osiris, which represents death or transformation and M87, which is a black hole. When someone is called an energetic black hole, they are describing the energy of this point. It represents co-dependent, dysfunctional relationships and one who is never satisfied, vine-swinging from one relationship to another to try to fill something within. Finally, Dionysus is also with Ceres, Dionysus is the partier Asteroid and represents intoxicants of all types, but particularly alcohol and hallucinogens and wild sexual abandon. If we are out of balance within ourselves, they will likely show up as imbalances in our relationships, with food and with drugs and alcohol. And as part of our New Moon T-Square, this is all fuel to the fire!

The Sabian symbol for the New Moon is “Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment”. It speaks to a breakdown in our values as a result of war. Though there are a number of wars currently being waged, consider that the pandemic was consistently described in war terms. This is a “war” that affected us all worldwide. What has been broken as a result?

At this tricky new moon it will be hard to reign it all in, but reign it in we must! Since this is a New Moon we can use the energy to set new intentions. There are three areas I would encourage:

    • Set intentions for creating structures with respect to how you nurture yourself and focus on impacts on your health. What is your relationship to drugs, food, and relationships? How can you take responsibility for that relationship, even if it’s been impacted by something outside of yourself such as war or a pandemic?
    • Set intentions for how to nurture Ontocracy (the power of your own being). Instead of looking outside of yourself, how can you tap into your innate resources to ignite self-love (and not rely on others), self-healing (discovering your own internal medicine), self-nurturance (have boundaries to bring you into health)…
    • Setting intentions for taking responsibility with your words… the trick is to get out of your head and into your heart. Then, take responsibility for what is there within your heart… is it anger? Is it guilt? Taking responsibility can help to shift it!

Happy New Moon in Capricorn!

Sagittarius Full Moon – June 14, 2022

The Full Moon on June 14th is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the search for the truth. It searches for the truth through study, religion, travel, and the law. At this full moon, we may uncover some uncomfortable truths in one or all of these areas. As this full moon, is square Neptune and conjunct the asteroid Varda, many things will come to light. Lies will surface. Deceit will become clear. All of this is also related to all things Pisces – drugs and pharmaceuticals, spirituality and gurus as well as secret societies, the film industry, Hollywood, and the oil and gas industry. With Saggitarius/Pisces think celebrity gurus, travel vaccines, and gas laws as examples.

Neptune also brings in an element of emotional confusion and hypersensitivity. But the ruler of the full moon Jupiter is in Aries expanding a need for self-expression and freedom. We may see emotional dramas, the need to be right, dogma speech and strong opinions, but also a need to be authentically who we are and forge our own path. Mars is also conjunct Chiron in Aries, so expect attacks on your core identity! Attacks like this will help you to clarify who you really are and push you to stand up for yourself!

Both Sagittarius (where the moon is) and Aries, (where the ruler of the full moon is) are not very good with diplomacy or verbal filters… so things said in the heat of emotions may be true but they will also sting. The truth sometimes hurts! Added to this is the fact that Jupiter is squaring Lilith. This aspect may bring out negative emotional responses such as sulking, blaming, or withdrawing in order to emotionally manipulate. Try your best to approach emotions from a higher level. If someone is trying to draw you in, practice the art of not responding. Let your only response be from a place of love.

Thankfully the full moon is also trine Saturn, which will help to grounds our emotions and bring in an element of common sense. Saturn is in the social media and group dynamics sign of Aquarius. The group will challenge any untruths, or bad behaviour and will put social pressure to act appropriately.

This is a full moon, so use the energy to let go of anything you no longer need or bring a culmination to the truths you seek!

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius!