New Moon in Pisces, Feb 27, 2025

The New Moon is at 9 degrees of Pisces. Pisces is intuitive, compassionate and sensitive. At times it can lack boundaries and at others it can be solitary. It is imaginative, illusionary and romantic. Others can see a Pisces as flighty and self-effacing, but somehow they can dream things into being, surprising those who think making things happen depends on practicality. Pisces can be escapist. They can be swallowed up in substances or taking refuge in an ashram, convent, or solitary retreat. Pisces is Maria…. And how do you solve a problem like Maria? If you watched The Sound of Music, you know that Maria was hiding from her life! And this is the caution at this Pisces New Moon… do not hide from your life!

Pisces is ruled by both Neptune (modern) and Jupiter (Traditional). At this New Moon, Jupiter, its traditional ruler, is squaring it! New Moons are about setting intentions. On one hand, Pisces has the upper hand on this; it can envision, dream, and create anything, but the square to Jupiter is making it complacent. Escapism will be the challenge!

Don’t be complacent! Don’t escape! There is too much potential to let this New Moon slide by. The other ruler of the New Moon is Neptune and Neptune is conjunct the North Node. This New Moon has the latent potential to connect you to your highest goals, deepest dreams and passionate visions.

Like Maria, and contrary to how Pisces normally manifests, you will need to balance your daydreaming with getting things done and making things happen in the real world.

The New Moon is conjunct the asteroids Child, Hercules and Kassandra. At this New Moon you will need to stay true to yourself, dig deep, push through and make decisions based on faith in yourself rather than on fear or societal confirmation.

Any complacency at this time is likely coming from an unconscious childhood wound. The asteroid child is simply about our inner child. What messages did you receive as a child that are currently standing in your way? What do you believe that is simply not true? Do you feel that you will never amount to anything? Were the messages you got as a child to ‘not get too big for your britches’? Use the Pisces energy to dive into your unconscious to find what false messages are still lurching there. Time to nip them in the bud.

If in your examination you discover guilt or mistreatment, that’s okay. Allow it to motivate you forward. The asteroid Hercales is about strength, perseverance and overcoming obstacles. Hercales is related to Hercules, who was persecuted by his step-mother Hera for being an illegitimate child of his father Zeus. In Greece he was Hercales, the son of Jupiter, but the story remained the same. Juno, his mother sought to destroy him from the time he was born. In the Greek story Hercales bit Juno’s nipple while she was feeding him – this was apparently how the Milky Way was created. Hercules, the son of a mortal woman, was made immortal because he drank Juno’s milk. This enraged Juno and she cast a spell on him, making him lose his mind and turn against his children. When he came to his senses, he went to the Oracle at Delphi and the oracle sent him to a king who gave Hercules 10 labours which would eventually atone him. When Hercules had completed them without issue, the king gave him two more. The final labour was Hercules most difficult. He was sent to the underworld to fetch Cerberus, the dog that had three heads and who guarded the entrance to the underworld, making sure those who crossed the river Stykx could not cross back. The king did not expect Hercales to be successful, but when he was, he released him from his deeds. Hercules was sent to the heavens and made into a god representing the constellation Hercules.

The 12 labours have often been compared to the path through the 12 signs of the zodiac. The Camino de Santiago is a pillgramage Spain. It represents a pilgrimage for atonement. But it has also been called The Way of The Stars because it is said to represent the path of the Milky Way; the spiritual path to heaven. The pilgrimage is long and after walking 800km to Santiago de Compostela, the end of the Camino, you find out there is another 200km to Finisterre, the end of the world and the true end of the Camino. Along that path you will come across a statue of the three-headed dog Cerberus in the town of Muxía, Spain. As the river Styx is said to be the boundary between life and death, crossing this point represents crossing into the underworld. A pilgrimage puts you in touch with all aspects of the journey of life and self. Having walked the Camino, there is a part of you that wants to quit, and a part that just cannot. Just when a village comes into sight, it looks so close but ends up being farther than you thought. You can feel defeated and tired. It requires that you dig deep and find your Herculian strength. If you make it to Finister, defeating the three-headed dog, you emerge not just atoned, but illuminated. All that time walking puts you in touch with not just physical pain, but emotional pain. 1000 km is a lot of time to think about your life and you can’t help but come up with some answers. Surviving the river Styx builds character. It makes you invulnerable to most attacks. Be they external or internal. At this New Moon, you are being asked to metaphorically walk the camino. Condition your mind to realize that not every road is easy, but that accepting the challenge will bring you rewards.

The last asteroid conjunct the New Moon is the asteroid Kassandra. Kassandra is about having the ability to see the future, but Kassandra was an oracle who was never believed. This brings in an element of frustration at the New Moon. We are being asked not to seek outside validation for what we know to be true, but to instead trust our instincts and inner counsel and to follow through even if it goes against popular belief.

Finally, if you reach, at this New Moon you can connect to the energy of Mars and Vesta. They form a wide grand trine with the moon. Mars is now direct in Cancer and Vesta, the holder of the sacred flame and our passions, is in Scorpio. This water trine will provide emotional fuel needed for reaching your goals. Connecting with a cause or a passion emotionally will provide that fuel. Find something that matters to you!

The sabian symbol for the full moon is An aviator in the clouds.

This sabian symbol speaks to trust. In the clouds we cannot see what is in front of us. But if we build the skills, we know we can fly through without issue! Trust yourself and what you have learned! If you don’t have the skills, go get them!

Happy New Moon in Pisces!

New Moon at 9° Capricorn – December 30, 2024

Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash

The new moon is at 9° Capricorn falls on the 30 December just one day before the end of the year, giving this New Moon a feeling of beginnings and endings. This is the day to review your 2024. It’s also the day to set New Moon intentions, which can also be New Year Resolutions. Things put in place today will be long and enduring. This is because this New Moon has durability and staying power.

Capricorn is the sign of durable, enduring, stable structures. Achievements are arrived at through discipline and hard work. Luck results from rules, structures, boundaries and putting in the effort. Of course, structures can break down, buildings can become no longer useful, and ambitions can lose their meaning. Now is a time to examine your foundations, check your supports, kick the tire and wiggle bolts. If something is outworn and no longer serving us, It needs to stay in 2024. If we realize there is nothing supporting the structures of our lives, it’s time to put in reinforcements, or new structures altogether. Do we need to be more disciplined? Is a schedule needed? Set intentions for creating needed foundations. Set up the scaffolding and invest quality time, materials and workmanship.

The New Moon is Sextile to Saturn and Saturn is the ruler of the New Moon. This is a time for being realistic and taking responsibility for what must happen. We know it will be hard work and we are up for it. This is good news because there will be challenges. The new moon is also conjunct Pallas, Lilith Pholus and Quaoar which is a dwarf planet. This makes it a very creative, but complicated time for setting our intentions. Creativity and wisdom are available, but so too are fear, blocks and unintended consequences if we are led astray…

Quaoar is a dwarf planet. Quaoar was named after a Native American creator God. Quaoar was the primordial god with a song in it’s heart. It began to sing and dance and whirl, and in so doing it created the sky and earth. Quaoar created a three-part harmony with the Sky and Earth and this helped to create the Sun and Moon and all the other planets. In astrology Quaoar represents creativity. It’s that thing that is in your heart, that wants to burst forth. Quaoar encourages us to find the harmony, resonance and vibration of your creative urges, and to strum, whistle and whirl them into being.

Pallas is also connected to creativity. She was said to be the goddess of crafts. But Pallas is also the Greek goddess of wisdom, strategy and war. She helps us to lean into wisdom, either on our own or from those we trust. This is a feminine wisdom, one that guides us strategically. What alliances do we need to make? Who can we trust and who do we keep at a distance? What actions should we take and when? These are the needed ingredients at this time for manifesting our creations.

You cannot have a New Moon in Capricorn without a little fear and blockage. Lilith is there to remind us of this. Lilith is blocked creativity. Lilith’s first appearance in Mythology is in the story of Lilith and the Huluppu Tree. Inanna had planted this sacred tree in her garden but wanted to harvest it into a bed and a throne. It had a serpent at its base and a bird on its branch and in the middle was Lilith. Lilith in those days was a sexually frustrated or infertile woman. So sitting in the middle of the tree she represents the blockages we may face in birthing our creations. By the time Lilith reached the Talmud/Bible, she was Adam’s first wife who wanted equality and was tossed out and replaced by Eve. Lilith angry and furious lived a banished life stealing children and making fertile women fearful she would take their creations. Lilith Is therefore the thing that threatens to ruin our creations. What would relieve her infertility? What would allow her creations to come forth? Sometimes we need to work a little harder to create the right conditions. For example, technology has allowed us skills that were completely beyond us years ago. Technology created the first test tube baby (check out the movie Joy if you haven’t already) Creating the right conditions may also mean stopping doing one thing (for example drinking) and starting doing another (for example working out or losing weight). Blocked creativity or infertility can be overcome! But it will require some work.

We also cannot have a New Moon in Capricorn without a little sabotage….. In astrology, Pholus represents the ways in which we sabotage ourselves. Actions we take can grow out of control or have unexpected turns. Pholus is a mild-mannered Centaur who while hosting Hercules neglects to give him anything to drink. Hercules sees a cask of wine and convinces Pholus to open it. But once he does, the smell of it attracts the not-so-mild-mannered Centaurs who arrive to fight Hercules for the wine. Hercules starts shooting them with poison arrows, which is effective in killing them off. Pholus is somewhat curious at how a little arrow can kill the centaurs and he picks one up only to drop it on his foot. Pholus ends up killing himself. Pholus is there to remind us to not be careless, to not give in to pressure nor to go in a direction we don’t want to go. It’s there to remind us to trust our intuition about things. Our actions may seem impolite to others, but it is important that we listen to our own guidance.

The Sabian symbol for the new moon is an albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor. An Albatross is a fairly large bird. interestingly, It is also the word for an obstacle to success. This Symbol encourages us to build a relationship with our obstacles, understanding them and building trust with them. Only then will they be eating out of our hands!

Happy New Moon in Capricorn. And Happy 2025.

If you are in business, I hope that you will join me on Jan 8th for a planning workshop for entrepreneurs for 2025. 2025 will have many shifts with two major planets (Neptune and Saturn) moving into Aries the sign of the entrepreneur. If you’re not in business, please share with your entrepreneurial friends!

2025 Planning Workshop

Invoking the spirit of creation, I leave you with the Aulos Flute. The flute was created by Pallas Athena, and in this animation is used in the creation of wine!

Pisces Lunar Eclipse – Sept 17/18, 2024

The lunar eclipse on September 17/18 is at 25° of Pisces. Pisces, a water sign is highly intuitive. Pisces rules suffering, merging, giving, self-sacrifice. It rules dreams, fantasies, and visions. It rules imagination and creativity; it’s the ruler of the Internet and film. It is spiritual and mystical. It rules all forms of escapism including plant medicines that take us on a journey. It’s also intoxicants and addictions. It is the ruler of fishing, shipping, oil and gas products.

Pisces is ruled by both Neptune the modern ruler and Jupiter the traditional one. The moon is making aspects to both of its rulers. The eclipsed moon is conjunct Neptune and it also makes a wide square Jupiter!

The conjunction to Neptune connects us to a sea of feelings and unconscious emotions. Neptune is in its last days of being in its home sign. It’s been in the sign since 2011 and early next year it will leave the sign. While in the sign of the fishes, it has taken us on a journey. For some of us, this is been a journey into a spiritual realm, for others a spiritual realm assisted by plant medicines, and yet for others, it has been a journey into conspiracies or conspiracy theories. We’ve gotten lost in the fog, lost in the fantasy. We’ve now reached a point where we have a hard time deciphering fact from fiction. Misinformation, disinformation, and deep fakes are all words that were not part of our daily lives before 2011. The eclipse will help us to sift through and sort out some of the truths from the lies. This is because when the moon is eclipsed, the earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow onto the Moon and blocking out the Sun which normally lights it up at a full moon. Earth’s shadow is an experience in the shadow. In the darkness, we must find our way to the to the light. No light means no facts, no lists, no Virgoic details…. Just the darkness and our intuition. At the moment of the eclipse when the light has been removed, we can go inside and know intuitively what is true.. Or at least what’s true for us.

The traditional ruler of Pisces is Jupiter. Jupiter is in a wide square to Saturn, which is also in Pisces. Saturn is a bit of a downer and can bring some depression or low feelings, but it’s also a reality check. The square between Jupiter and Saturn is a tension between expansion, optimism, belief and restriction, constraint and realism. At this eclipse, we may feel like we are on a seesaw. We’re optimistic one minute and pessimistic the next. Maybe we feel duped by a realization and this brings pessimism. Yet whatever we thought to be true at the time was instrumental in helping us to learn something very special and important…. and for that, we can be optimistic!

Two asteroids, Niobe and Atlantis and the fixed star Alkes are opposite the eclipsed moon with the Sun.

Niobe was the mother of Zeus, Apollo, Artemis and 11 other children. She was very proud of them. To her, they were all golden children and perfect in her eyes. Her hubris led her to lose all of them after boasting to another goddess who only had two children! Niobe cried so much that her tears ended up turning her into a stone. Astrologically Niobe is related to falls from grace, bitnerness and issues with children.

The asteroid Atlantis bring in the energy of Atlantis and Atlantian lives. Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, described two groups of Atlantians. Both he described as highly advanced, one spiritual and the other power-hungry. In his readings, he called one group “The Children of the Law of One”. This group was focused on spiritual growth and development. Important to them was a harmonious relationship with nature and a connection to natural laws. The second group called “The Sons of Belial” exploited natural resources and the technological advancements of Atlantis, disregarding the consequences for the planet and its inhabitants. They were driven by a desire for power and control and by greed. Casey describes a technology called “The Great Crystal” in which the children of the law of one used for spiritual growth and the sons of Belial used for power. This led to misuse which was responsible for Atlantis sinking. Casey claimed that records of the technology are kept in three places; under the paw of the sphinx in Egypt, In an area of the Bahamas, possibly Bimini Road, and in the Yucatán peninsula. If we were to find these technologies today do we know which group we were in? Would we use the technology responsibly? Do we know ourselves when in possession of power?

Alkes, also known as Alpha Crateris, is a star in the constellation Crater, the Cup. According to Greek mythology, Crater represents the cup carried by Apollo’s crow, which was sent to fetch water from a spring. The crow, Corvus, took the cup but was distracted by a fig tree with unripe fruit and waited a few days for the figs to ripen. When it returned to Apollo, it blamed a water snake for its tardiness, claiming it had blocked the spring. Apollo was angered by the crow’s obvious lie and condemned it to a life of thirst. As punishment, Apollo placed the crow, the cup, and the water snake in the sky, commemorating the incident. The three are represented by the constellations with Crater (or Alkes which means the Cup)

We are asked to consider these three energies pride, power and responsibility, and honesty and the role they have played in our lives. It’s time for inner truth and for discarding any self-destructive energies.

The Sabian symbol for the eclipse is “a new moon that divides its influences”. Interestingly, the Sabian symbol speaks of a new moon at a full moon! This however is a symbol that suggests the moon will not affect us all in the same way. Its influence is divided between various influences and outcomes. This suggests that what is right or true for us, may not be right or true for someone else. It is not for us to decide for anyone other than ourselves.

Happy Eclipse in Pisces!