The Full Moon is in Leo at 24 degrees Leo. Leo rules leadership, royalty and high society. It rules children, play, sports, games and any form of amusement. It’s connected to theatre and drama. It’s luxury, gold, and high-quality art. Leo can be egotistical or at least the center of attention and humility can be hard to come by.
The Full Moon in Leo is conjunct with Atropos and Praamzius (a transneptunian object). It is square Juno in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus and is also opposite Mercury and the asteroids Ceres and Sappho.
The full moons are always about conclusions. They are always about endings. But this full moon seems to embody a deeper finality. Much of the asteroid myth surrounding this full moon points to this. Praamzius comes from Lithuanian mythology and is a creation god, associated with the creation of sky and earth. He oversees natural order and the cosmos. Praamzius’s key role is to be in charge of time. Atropos is one of the three fates, the goddesses of fate and destiny. Know as the ‘the Inflexible One’, she worked with her two other sisters – one spun the thread of life, the other measured the length and Atropos cut the thread, therefore, ending the life. She was the Greek version of the Grim Reaper! Together Praamzius and Atropos conjunct the full moon seem to speak of a cycle coming to a close. The time has come. Everything has it’s season… Atropos cuts the cord and we are invited to do the same.
The cosmos moves in cycles so things don’t truly die, but their current form does. It dies and gives way to a new form.
The moon is square to Uranus in Taurus and Juno (the marriage asteroid) in Scorpio. Juno in Scorpio craves intensity and emotional bonding with her partner. If this is lacking she is prone to insecurities that make her act out with jealousy and control. With the moon in Leo square to Juno, we definitely feel this insecurity. If we pay attention to it, these insecure feelings will help us to recognize that we are not getting what we need. Juno is opposite Uranus in Taurus. This brings in a need for an evolved relationship. One where there is freedom and likely an unconventional approach. If the relationship has not evolved, this may show up with an on-and-off again quality to the relationship bringing in an even deeper feeling of insecurity. The moon square to Uranus gives us a clue. This erratic nature might be originating from within! Maybe all that is required is a conversation to end this erratic dance. Or maybe it’s time to admit that things are out of alignment. Values may not be shared, emotional needs do not match, or levels of consciousness are mismatched. But the bigger question is… is it all a projection?
Opposite the Full Moon is a group of energies that we need to consider and incorporate. Ceres, also deeply connected to cycles was the mother of Persephone, who had been tricked by Hades after following him to the underworld, into eating pomegranate seeds. This caused her to not be able to leave. Ceres mourning her daughter’s disappearance, caused drought and starved the land. Eventually, the people begged for Hades to release Persephone so that Ceres would let it rain again and so that crops would grow. An agreement was struck. Persephone would have to spend half the year in the underworld and the other she could come to the land of the living to spend with her mother. The message here is clear. A compromise is needed.
This compromise does not mean that you need to remain in the same situation. A new reality emerges from this compromise. Where none existed before… this comprise will bring about seasons. Maybe this means, as it did for Ceres, a custody agreement – while you will move on with your life, this deal will mean that something is still kept, but in a new reality.
Mercury conjunct the Sun and Ceres opposite the moon not only brings feelings of loss, and we may doubt and question ourselves. Again, getting in touch with what we are feeling will be extremely important. Make sure you have the tools to process your emotions.
Also, we are cautioned to be kind when speaking and to only speak when we have something nice to say or when we feel the love behind our words. Emotional consciousness will help us in our ability to fulfill that order! Not every idea that enters your mind needs to be said! We are also filled with so many ideas, many of them about our future, but there is a time to share these ideas and a time to keep them to yourself!
The asteroid Sappho is opposite the moon. Sappho was a poet who wrote poetry that was meant to be sung. She was a real person, but was immortalized as “the tenth muse”. Her only poem that exists in full is the Ode to Aphrodite – it is suspected that she primarily wrote love poetry. Her presence reminds us that we can process our emotions creatively. Use the Leo energy to write a poem or process and express your emotions through song. The vibration of singing will help to soothe… but if you do sing, consider doing it in a mirror to the audience of yourself!
The Sabian symbol for the Full Moon is A large camel crossing the desert. This Sabian symbol speaks of self-sufficiency. In the camel’s back is water. Of this Dane Rudhar says that “ to be released from bondage to the ‘old world’ we should be completely self-contained emotionally; having absorbed the mental food which this old culture has given us, we are ready to face ‘the desert,’ nothingness (Sunya) until we reach the ‘new world.’
Without doubt, we are all entering a new world. The Leo energy represents the old world we must release… the ego, the fame, the old leadership, an overdue romantic relationship or the drama that we have become comfortable and used to. As we move to Aquarius, we enter the desert for a time…. And emotional self-sufficiency is the key!
Happy Full Moon in Leo!