The New Moon on December 1st, 2024 is at 9° of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is about exploration and expansion in all of its forms; the mind through higher learning and foreign travel, and the soul through religious seeking. It is therefore connected with literature, magazines, publications, foreign affairs, religion, and devotion. It is philosophical, academic and religious. Sagittarius is the yogi, pope, or preacher. It’s the teacher, professor or even judge. Sagittarius is interested in truth and seeking truth. New Moons are a time for intention setting and at this New Moon, we can set intentions around all things Sagittarius.
The New Moon is trine Mars at 5° Leo. Leo will go retrograde in a couple of days, but with this New Moon, we will feel assertive and ready to put things in motion. Mars will go retrograde on Dec 6th. When Mars goes retrograde actions slow down. Mars retrograde is a time of re-evaluating your actions, motivations, and desires. If we push forward during the retrograde we may be met with frustrations or a fight. Rather, it’s a time for looking inward at what is driving us; does it come from ourselves or are we pushing forward in directions coordinated by others? Even though this slowdown with Mars retrograde is expected, it should not stop us from setting intentions and moving forward, even if only for a couple of days. The information we receive and the obstacles we meet will provide needed information for the Mars retrograde. Don’t miss that opportunity.
The ruler of this New Moon is Jupiter. Jupiter is in Gemini and is in a square with Saturn in Pisces all year. Jupiter in Gemini expands the amount of information in our life experience; emails, text messages, information, news, or even propaganda. Depending on our perspective it can feed our curiosity or it can overwhelm us! The information we receive pushes our generally accepted beliefs and opinions, and this causes us to question everything. Saturn in Pisces on the other hand is a fearful sea of information causing existential angst with a feeling of a boundless abyss. The Saturn Jupiter square is, therefore, one in which some will seek the solace of commitment to a religion, philosophy, and/or belief – ie a structure or container that is safe. We will see a push for restrictions to impose laws or so-called “thought crimes” to stop the discomfort of having to discern. Others will want to explore, push boundaries, consume ideas and fall further into a boundless ocean of facts, fiction, truths, half-truths and possible lies. Happy to seek and continue to explore. Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct on Sept 15th, they will conjunct again on December 24th and once more on June 15th, 2025 so this New Moon can set in motion something that will continue until the summer of next year.
Finally, the New Moon is also conjunct Urania. Urania was the goddess of astronomy and cosmology. She dressed in a cloak with stars and held a globe and a stylus. She was said to be able to predict the future by looking at the stars, hence her connection to astrology. Many who have Urania conjunct an important point in their chart are astrologers! I have Urania on my mid-heaven, the highest point in a natal chart indicating what someone will be known for. With Urania connected to the New Moon, we will likely see new information about our cosmos. This will be exciting and compelling for some, and fearful and overwhelming for others. Maybe it’s the anticipated reveal of aliens? Or a discovery about earth’s cyclical disasters. I have been posting about the Tychos, a new model of our cosmos building on the Tychonic system of Tycho Brahe; one that incorporates binary stars and includes both Earth and the Sun having motion. All of these are cosmos paradigm shifters.
Discovering that there are aliens, or that an asteroid may hit Earth, or that our Solar system is not what we thought, might be surprisingly comforting for some and way too much for others to handle. My foray into learning about a different model of our solar system brought me both… Shifting our paradigm is not easy. Urania was the daughter of Uranus and with Pluto newly in Aquarius (the sign ruled by Uranus), the cosmic journey is certain. So I will offer some tips that worked for me in shifting my cosmology.
- Feel into the fear. Your emotions are valid and the more you allow yourself to feel them the more you will move through them and they will dissipate. I promise they won’t swallow you up. I do this all the time and it works!
- Allow yourself to feel stupid. I found myself feeling stupid when I considered what these changes meant for other parts of my life. For instance, if our understanding of the cosmos was not accurate, then what else is not correct?
- Exploring the worst-case scenario – this is likely to make you realize that you are resourceful and can handle anything!
- Remembering what has not changed – you still live on earth. You are safe. You have everything you need…. It’s just that the neighbour you thought was human is actually from Arcturus (for instance)… it’s just information. Nothing has likely changed!
The Sabian symbol for this New Moon is a stage symbolization of “the goddess of opportunity”. This reminds me of a character in The Merchant of Venice!
How all the other passions fleet to air,
As doubtful thoughts and rash embraced despair,
And shudd’ring fear, and green-eyed jealousy!
O love, be moderate, allay thy ecstasy,
In measure rain thy joy, scant this excess!
I feel too much thy blessing. Make it less,
For fear I surfeit. Lady Portia – Shakespeare – Merchant of Venice
According to Helena Blavatsky, Lady Portia was also a real person who became an ascended master. As an ascended master, Lady Portia is the twin flame of Saint Germain’s. Lady Portia and Saint Germain are said to be directors for the Age of Aquarius, bringing justice, balance and opportunity. She reminds us to weigh everything and to try to find balance. But when balance cannot be achieved, and justice cannot be served, the only way through it is Mercy.
With that, I offer one last tip:
5. Be merciful. Some will be happy to live inside the limits of Saturn and others will want to voyage into theories, ideas and other galaxies. When we cannot find balance in our beliefs and opinions, the only opportunity that exists is mercy.
Happy New Moon in Saggitarius!