Scorpio New Moon – November 13, 2023

The new moon is at 20° of Scorpio. It is conjunct, Mars, and asteroids Hopi and Child.

Hopi elder sharing peace pipe ashes

It is also opposite Uranus and the asteroid Lampo.

New moons are about new beginnings. They are a great time to set intentions for what we want to bring into manifestation.

This is a good time to consider making intentions around things shared, therapy, looking deep into our issues around control, trust and power. Scorpio is also about sex, death and transformation. It’s connected to magic, the occult, organized crime, secret societies, or secrets of any kind. Scorpio can be destructive in it’s lower form and transformative in it’s higher form! Fundamentally Scorpio is about creation, destruction and/or transformation.

The new moon is a conjunct asteroid Hopi. The the Hopi are a very important native American tribe whose prophecies revolve around the end times… that point to the path of making it through the transformation of the Earth… or not. Hopi prophecies say that we have repeated history many times. Always in these repetitions there is a decision point where society can choose between greed, worship of technology and fighting each other or coming together in love and creativity and peace. The prophecies say that one path leads to the destruction of our world and the other to avoiding disaster!

But how can we come together in peace and love and creativity? It all depends on the child, or more specifically, the inner child! The new moon is also conjunct astroid child brings up issues around our childhood, our inner child, or relationships with our children. How have we dealt with our childhood hurts? When triggered do we turn into a terrible two year old or a petulant teenager? Have we grown spiritually and have we nurtured and healed from our childhood hurts?

Hurt people hurt people…. and more easily, hurt people, hurt children and create a lineage and cycle of hurt. Ultimately these hurts play out in our relationships with others, our work relationships and ripple out to society. Worse if we have power! The impact of our acting out can be huge!

The Scorpio new moon is ruled by Mars, and Mars is conjunct this new moon. Added to it is an opposition to Uranus, making this new moon somewhat volatile. But it also gives us accesses to earth shattering breakthroughs. Instead of allowing volatility to take over we can approach it like a controles demolition! We can use the volatility to breakthrough issues that stop us from finding peace within and without. This is therefore an amazing time for therapy, meditation, astrology readings etc. anything that can help us to reach within and heal.

Opposite the new moon is with Uranus is Lempo. Lampo is the Finnish god of love and fertility. Apparently Lempo was turned into a demon through Christianization and a villain in the medieval finished folktales.

Lempo is a mild swearword in Finnish!

Lempo astrologically seems to indicate malevolent distortion, demonization and possibly religious bigotry.

But let’s go back to the heart of Lempo! Lampo reminds us of all of the inversions that have taken place in our understanding of our world, and allows us to reach into the truth of who we really are! If Lampo is truly about fertility and love, then it’s like the word F@ck! The sacredness of love and fertility (sex) has been turned into something profane… we can use this new moon breakthrough energy to return to the truth… maybe we even do a fuck meditation to channel the energy, reach the truth and ultimately heal and grow our inner child!

The Sabian symbol for the new moon is “obeying his conscience, a soldier, resist orders”. This suggests that following our own path at this time may go against society or the majority. However, it is in going against society that we sometimes help society out, taking it to that higher Hopi path!

Happy scorpio new moon!

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus – Oct 28, 2023

The lunar eclipse is at 5 degrees of Taurus. This is the last eclipse in this Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle. Taurus and Scorpio are money signs and over the last couple of years of eclipses in these signs, we have had big money drama. Bank runs, FTX, Sam Bankman Fried, Evengrande bankruptcy in China etc. Etc. In addition the growing push for CDBC’s (Central Digital Bank Currency). On the other hand, it has also brought up changes in food and food security. Crickets anyone? This the last eclipse in the money and agriculture sign of Taurus will certainly bring things to a head… and may even be a grand finale!

At an eclipse, the earth gets between the moon and the earth and dims the light of the Sun reflected on the moon. This eclipsing of the light of the moon gives us a moment or two to gain perspective on our emotions. The light returns and the lights come on! It’s an epiphany moment. A time when big changes come and we can’t unsee what we see.

The Sun is in the fixed sign of Scorpio. There are many good qualities about Scorpio, but in opposition, it favours the dark side enjoying power, secrets and control. To add to it, the Sun is beside two unsavory asteroids; Rhadamanthus and Narcissus.

The god Narcissus was beautiful. He was so beautiful that staring into a pool of water, he fell in love with his own image. He was so in love with his image that he stayed staring into the pool and starved to death. The asteroid represents narcissistic tendencies such as a grandiose sense of self-importance; preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love; the belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions; need for excessive admiration; a sense of entitlement; exploitive behaviour; lack of empathy and arrogance.¹ Rhadamanthus on the other hand was one of the three judges of the dead, responsible for those in the East in Greek mythology. In astrology, it represents judges who are stern and often inflexible. It is highlighted in the charts of some very harsh people including Laura Schlessinger, Ariel Sharon, Ron Hubbard, Jim Jones (Jonestown “drink the cool-aid” massacre) and Marshall Applewhite (of Heaven’s Gate suicide cult), as well as Pope John Paul II and the Dalai Lama.

The Sun’s ruler is Mars which is conjunct Mercury in Scorpio and opposite Jupiter in Taurus. This adds a sharp tone to the judgmental narcissism already mentioned. You can expect this Sun in Scorpio confidently and expectantly and with superiority to encourage you to drink the cool aid. Before you would have missed the judgy narcissism, but at this eclipse, the light dims and when it comes back, you gain perspective. You now see the truth. You get perspective on your emotions, allowing you to see clearly what’s in the drink! And it’s all likely to be due to happening, sharp words and actions within Taurus-related things like money and agriculture!

In response to the Moon’s eclipsed energy, we will be able to tap into and channel our wounds into our creative skills. This is because The Moon opposite the Sun is in the earthy fixed sign of Taurus. Its conjunction with Jupiter will make emotional responses over the top. However, the ruler of the moon is Venus and Venus trines to Uranus pulling in inventive, workaholic energy. In addition, asteroid Hephaistos is conjunct the moon. If Chiron is the wounded healer, Hephaistos is the wounded creator. Hephaistos was born with a physical defect. He was treated poorly by his family and others and ended up on an island to escape. This is where he found his calling as a blacksmith. He also married Aphrodite, but she was unfaithful and he ended up pouring all of his energy into making weapons, arrows, jewelry and other technologies – anything that could be made with fire and metals. In astrology, Hephaistos represents those who are skilled in their trades, especially blacksmiths, carpenters and other tradespeople. At this eclipsed full moon we tap into our skills and trades and bring our creations (ones that we have been throwing all of our angry frustrated, “I’ve got to do something” energy into) to completion.

The opinions in this documentary may not necessarily reflect those of my own, but in the movie, The Primordial Code, the documentarian, in response to questions about our world, explores a couple of metal creations. He creates a metal-framed pyramid greenhouse to test how plants will grow. He also creates coils using copper to increase energy in his crops and tests that out as well…all with success. These are the kinds of creations that we can see coming to fruition at this time. And like the filmmaker, they are born out of frustration and questioning of the history and solutions provided by the narcissistic elite (0r those who think they are the elite).

A similar creative expression came about during the 2008 financial crisis… Bitcoin was born. Read my post on Bitcoin.

The Sabian symbol for this eclipse is a Cantilever Bridge across a deep gorge. Again this speaks of the ingenuity of craftsmanship and building, but it also calls on teamwork to accomplish the project. We can stay on one side of the gorge, but to enjoy all the lands, or to get somewhere needed, we will need to work collectively to accomplish our goals. The Lost Century and How to Reclaim It is another documentary with a call to action. This one starts with a cautionary tale about keeping our creations to ourselves and trying to take all the glory but ends with the hope of creating free energy technology (with the help of smart people and aliens of course!).

Happy Lunar Eclipse!

Solar Eclipse – October 14, 2023

The eclipse on October 14, 2023, is at 21 degrees of Libra. This eclipse is charged. We are desperate for balance, indignant for justice, and demanding fairness, all of which are super challenged at this eclipse. Negotiations have broken down, mediations have failed, and relationships are strained if not, at war.

This is because we have just left behind Mars square to Pluto and the nodes. Now the Sun and Moon at the south node are eclipsing and are conjunct Mercury, the planet of communication and opposite Chiron, the wounded healer, currently in Aries and fighting for the right of self-expression. We feel like we can’t say what we want. Nor can we express who we really are. We are very much walking on eggshells with our thoughts, trying desperately to keep the peace. And many of us have failed, and now, there is war!

I don’t usually advise people to set intentions at eclipses because they are powerful and they can’t be taken back. If using an eclipse for setting an intention, it is important to be careful with our terminology and clear about our underlying intentions and emotions. But desperate times call for desperate measures. If there was a time to chance an eclipse for intention setting, this is it!

Renounce war! Renounce fear! Renounce hate! Say it out loud. This is an important part of your intention setting because it effectively cancels and deletes any and all power those energies may have on your manifestations. Eclipse those energies out of your life! With that done, you can set intentions.

The eclipse is conjunct asteroid Isis! She is the key to making this eclipse turn in your favour!

Isis was also associated with fertility, magic and spells. She uses them to gain knowledge and to bring her husband Osiris who was cut into pieces, back to life. But one small thing… While reassembling him she was unable to find his penis but fashions a working one out of gold! He doesn’t live long but remains alive long enough for her to become impregnated with her son Horus. With Horus, she has a long and difficult labour and has to protect him from dangerous snakes and critters. Isis is therefore associated with putting things that have been broken or torn apart back together, fertility, magic, mourning and protecting, particularly women and children and those making their travel to the underworld (death).

Intention setting at this new moon should be centred around putting something back together, creating fertility, using magic in positive ways and using your tears productively.

A note on tears….Mourning, crying and keening were important in ancient times. So important that it became a profession. Those who are called to keen or professionally wail at this time are calling on the energy of Isis to help those who have passed have safe passage, to heal and grieve the sadness and loss in society, and to weave their tears into creating something beautiful and new. But weeping and wailing is not a role for everyone. It can be dangerous for those already struggling. Those who feel called, and are able to move through the depths of sorrow without losing themselves, or going into fear or anger, can use tears powerfully. If so, then this is a deeply creative time for mixing your tears with magic! What do you want to create out of those tears? What beauty do want to stitch together?

The eclipse is ruled by Venus, which has finally changed signs and is now in Virgo. Interestingly transputo Isis* is also there with Venus reiterating the energy of Isis. This practical, fertile, and creative Venus in Virgo is forming a kite. Venus, Vesta, Mars, and Saturn are the structures of this kite. The key to making a kite fly is to set it sailing in the right flow. Venus sextile Mars gives us the ability to connect with partners; particularly if those partnerships are centred around thinking, analyzing, strategy and action. Venus sextile Vesta in Cancer gives us the ability to connect with our soul or sacred family for purposeful work. This is the top part of the kite! Saturn is trine Mars and Vesta, which forms the long end of the kite. Saturn trine Vesta taps into our passionate leadership side that is focused on a cause. And Saturn trine Mars is dedicated, hardworking and will get it done. Add in Isis and you have the formula for flying a kite that spreads love, fertility, healing, and magic through practical actions. So, If you have a partner or a soul family, time to connect with them and get the work done.

What is the work? Maybe you are a group of mediators and your work involves meditating together for peace. Maybe your soul family fixes the ley lines and energy grids of the world. Maybe your soul family is creating or developing communities that grow food and are self-sufficient. If you don’t have a soul family, maybe you have a soulmate or twin flame. Why are you together? What is your work? Maybe your work is setting an example or bringing in more love.

Whatever you do whether in your soul family or soul mate relationship (or both), you will need to work with the energy of Venus opposite Saturn. That unloved, depressed energy is actually the spine of the kite. And although Saturn may be making you feel anxious, lost and fearful, it’s also calling on you to tap into your compassion and your sense of spirituality. You are tested to trust the universe, even when you feel lost. Although Venus may be making you feel judgmental and perfectionist, tap into your sense of service and dedication. Find purpose in your practicality and ability to structure and analyze. And don’t forget to use your tears and magic as fuel for your positive creations.

Happy? Solar Eclipse.

*Transputo Isis is a mythical or presumed planet, though it has not been seen