November Horoscope 2013

November is a month of big developments and healing. The universe is going to facilitate a big announcement on November 1. It’s a big day with lots going on in the skies; the biggest aspect being the third in the series of squares between Pluto and Uranus. These guys have been moving back and forth in the skies and making exact aspects; the first two happened over the last year and a half. The first square left us reeling after an earthquake sent a wave across Fukushima, Japan, disrupting the nuclear power station. We saw Arab Spring and the Occupy movement. We have seen a greater focus on a hard to pin down enemy, homegrown terrorism both official, as part of terrorist plots, and unofficially with the misguided or deeply disturbed openings of fire. This Pluto-Uranus square will bring further development.

The good news is that the Sun is sextile pluto on the 1st and will be good for helping to clean up situations that have been or become disordered and confusing. It is a great combination for helping to clear up difficult situations. This, however, requires a level of consciousness and a concerted effort. If not, what may happen is a confrontation, because at the same time the Sun is in a difficult aspect to Uranus. I can’t stress enough, conscious expression is important or we might find ourselves in one big surprising situation.

The bad news is that Mercury will still be retrograde in Scorpio and in lots of aspects to other planets. With so much going on with Mercury we can expect words, possibly secrets, to come to light that will be a game changer. Over the last year and a half we have been stunned by actions and natural disasters, but with Mercury playing a big role in this Pluto-Uranus square, it will be words, not actions, that hit us hard. I have heard it said that “words” or “psychological abuse” is much harder to recover from than physical abuse… That is the power of words! We can expect to see words pack that kind of punch on this day. Mercury is sextile Pluto in Capricorn, promising the possibility of something being exposed, possibility in the government or other such institutions. Whatever it is, it will penetrate and have the kind of power in speech that will deeply impact the collective consciousness. The Sun, also in Scorpio conjunct Mercury, promises that the communication will be asserted with some degree of clarity. If you have ever experienced the sting of the scorpion, you will already know what this is like. Mercury sextile Mars, which is in Virgo, will help to ensure that it is honest and direct.  This is a no mincing words combination. As Iyanla Vanzant says, “let’s call a thing a thing, people.” The fact that Mercury is retrograde suggests that we are going over some old ground here and something will come to light that we just didn’t ever think.

On November 1 the Sun is also trine Chiron, so we can be sure that whatever happens, a spiritual awakening will occur. Chiron is in Pisces, so this will be a healing to the collective consciousness. Also, Venus is in truth-seeking Sagittarius trine Pallas in theatrical Leo.  I once had a conversation with a friend’s sister who was a bit of a quirky type; adorable, but quirky. She told me that when she is upset she likes to act it out in the mirror. I feel this may actually be a good way to use the Venus-trine-Pallas energy; expressing your creativity and allowing it to be mirrored back to you so that you can see the subtle patterns of truth and beauty in the situation.

So much astrology is gloom and doom or a report on what has happened using the planets and stars. Yet the energy of the planets, stars and asteroids is not so fatalistic. We do have choice and knowing and using the energy in enlightened ways is, I think, a positive way to use this sort of ethereal knowledge. So much of the time we say “Yeah…let’s do this, let’s do this! We have gotta change the world.”  Yet in reality we only point out the problems and complain about the issues.  We ourselves do not step forward in any real way to make the necessary changes. And so, I was so excited to hear of Marianne Williamson’s decision to become a politician last month. This is a woman who is stepping up! In my excitement I took a look at her natal chart and what I discovered is that more than a politician, Marianne is a mother to the world. Clan Mother! Clan Mother is a role in Iroquois tribes that I quite like. What I like is not just the idea that power was in the hands of a woman, but that the decision-making process was a different one, where the care of the children of the community was taken into consideration.  On the contrary, patriarchal decisions have a different agenda. I bring up Marianne and Clan Mother because I want to talk about a pattern that is forming in the skies on November 1. Uranus is forming difficult aspects and is inconjunction or quincunx to the Sun and Mars. The Sun and Mars are sextile. This configuration in astrology is called a “finger of God”.  Both the Sun and Mars are masculine planets and often represent men in a horoscope. They are sitting in Scorpio and Virgo respectively. Scorpio’s symbol is ♏ ˜and Virgo is ♍ –. Demetra George says that these “Ms” represent matter and in latin, matter’s meaning is “mother”. Right in between Virgo and Scorpio is Libra.

It is important to note that Libra was a patriarchal construct. Libra is the only sign that does not have an animal representing it; it has the balancing scales. In truth, Libra is the tail or the claw of the constellation of Scorpio and was once just a part of the sign Scorpio. The moon transiting in this claw or Chela is the release because it is opposite Uranus. So there the moon sits opposite to Uranus who is in an uncomfortable and in a tense position with the two boys who are in the arms of mother, or at the very least sitting in feminine signs, and having a nice conversation with one another about topics that may or may not be making much sense. Remember Mercury, the communication planet, is retrograde and conjunct the Sun. The moon definitely points to the solution to the tension here. The Libra moon is seeking balance.  Libra, or Chela, can hold on or “claw” to bad situations out of a need to keep the balance, but the hindi/sanscrit meaning of the same word Chela  is “a religious student”.  And maybe it is in this meaning that we should embrace.

In fact, I really feel that if the moon in Libra can step up and be courageous, we can make the most of the Solar eclipse, which happens three days later on November 3. All of the energy of November 1 will still be in effect, however, we have some further developments. The moon will have met up with the Sun at this point and will pass in front of it. All in all this eclipse is an incredibly healing eclipse. If you have ever done a detox diet and had a healing crisis, you will know that in the moment it doesn’t feel very good. In fact, you can feel downright awful. But what is actually happening is that your body is ridding itself of all of the toxins and is getting healthy. With Saturn conjunct the solar eclipse, this in fact, might be the feeling. Structures and things of old may be collapsing around you, but know that it is a part of a deep healing. Mercury is also conjunct the north node facilitating a move in the right direction, this is the path to our destiny.

Ceres will also move into Libra on the 3rd, the day of the solar eclipse, helping us to find the balance in nurturing and to bring about healing. There is, however, a couple of days when we can be thrown off balance. We feel cautious with nurturing on the 6th when Venus squares Ceres. Uranus will oppose Ceres on the 24th and may show up as an erratic emotional response; and Pluto will square Ceres on the 28th igniting separation anxiety.  We may hate the structures that are falling all around us, however, they are the devil we know and we may cling to them out of security at this point. The truth is, we are being challenged to let go in a very deep way.

Venus moves into Capricorn on November 5. Venus – the planet of love and attraction – in Capricorn gets a little materialistic but also cautious with money. If you are doing some Christmas shopping Venus sextile Neptune on the 7th gives a great appreciation of things of worth, however, Jupiter goes retrograde the same day. The better way to use this energy is to allow what you are seeing to inspire the depths of your soul.

Venus will also touch the Pluto/Uranus energy going on this month when it opposes Uranus, also sextiling Chiron on the 14th and conjunct Pluto on the 15th. Remember Venus represents love, but also money, so we may see something come to light with the markets and our own purse strings. If things get a little disordered, or even a lot disordered within these couple of days, we have a saving grace because on the 23rd Venus will sextile Saturn giving us an a small window for financial recovery and stability. It won’t last long though. On the 28th Venus will opposes Jupiter making us excessive and indulgent.

Mercury goes direct again on the 10th of November. Before it does, it will trine Neptune on the 9th and then trine it again on the 11th. An aspect during this time when Neptune changes directions makes it very potent and with this aspect, it is making us all a little more intuitive and a little more psychic than usual. This is the kind of communication that stays away from the logical mind, so if we are sensing something that we feel a need to be able to “prove in court”… don’t bother. Your sense perceptions are bang on, whether you can prove it or not! What we see, what we believe and what we understand will seem like a hall of mirrors in a couple of days later as Neptune also turns around and goes direct on the 13th making its power a little more potent as well. Neptune can create lies, illusions and foggy situations, but also inspiration and spiritual insight.  However, with Neptune opposed Pallas now in Virgo on the 16th, our perceptions and ability to see the big picture and the patterns, may be even more distorted.

Things will clear up the next day when Mercury is conjunct the north node again on November 17.  The moon will also be full on that day giving us a sneak peak at the new beginnings that took place with the eclipse. Mercury is sextile Pluto and trine Chiron on November 20 and conjunct Saturn on the 25th, taking us back over the November 1 eclipse points. When Mercury was retrograde communication may have been heard, but was not understood. Eclipse happenings will crystalize over these couple of days as Mercury goes over the same ground again.

All in all, November will be filled with lots of communication and healing. Sometimes clear, sometimes murky. Crystals that will help the energy this month include pink calcite, which aligns us with the divine mother and the divine feminine.

Read what’s going on for each sign…..


On November 1 the tension happens in your first and tenth houses. If you can make the necessary adjustment in your partnerships the healing will begin, bringing you into deeper levels of intimacy at the solar eclipse. Something’s gotta give for this to happen.  Not easy for you with Uranus which is seeking freedom in self-expression. Towards the end of the month you may be tempted to go a little crazy at a workplace party. It might be fun in the moment, but consider all the work you’ve done and the impact on your career.


Is it all the higher learning you have been doing that is rattling your unconscious? Learning expands not just your mind but also your unconscious. If you can maintain your discipline this month, you will achieve much. Thoughts might be all over the place, and it’s when you rein them in and hold them in your power that you will achieve much.


You may realize that you finally have a balance between home and work, but it comes with worry as you wonder if you are achieving much. Let your emotions take you to a fun place as this is the key to making the most of your time. Being present and having fun in each realm helps you achieve the real balance in your hopes and dreams at the same time and you find that nothing has to give. Of all of the signs you are the one to be most excessive with cash this month. You’ll enjoy it in the moment but not so much when you get your visa bill.


You may be having the most creative month ever. Words roll off your tongue like poetry and you might be bombarding Etsy with your amazing creations. If you’re doing it for money, remember to keep it grassroots, and your home and heart in it. This will be your key to success. Really watch your diet and those rich foods towards the end of the month. Packing on the pounds will be easy. Cut back or match it with some intense exercise.


You are in the middle of a renovation either to your home or to some other foundation in your life. Balanced communication will help to bring others on board as you unveil your new structures. They may be very different in philosophy to your old digs and they may throw others off. You’re a trend setter and most of the time everyone is wowed, but if others aren’t on board, comfort them by reminding them of all the things that haven’t changed. Eventually they will see your genius and love it.


You’re the star salesperson this month. With your drive and conviction you can sell ice to an Inuit. This is great if you’re going through a divorce, dealing with taxes or a contested inheritance.  The key to your success in this regard will be to keep your emotions and your self-esteem balanced. What rolls off your tongue may even help to transform the laws. You can set precedence, so make sure it’s one that will serve mankind, not harm. This is also a romantic month. This is probably what is keeping the bounce in your step and your emotions on an even keel.


You’re popping with the pressure from your family and your partner and likely wanting to hide. Solitude and the path of least resistance is often a great approach and one that keeps you safe. Balance your hiding this month with a little bit of self-exertion. Have the confidence that it will come across just perfectly. After all, you are a Libra. You will be absolutely stunned at how this little revelation of yourself will fortify your self-respect. Others will definitely take notice.


This month you feel a culmination of all of your efforts. Somehow you thrive in the messiness of transformation and you feel in harmony with the changes that are abounded. You have tremendous amount of responsibility on your shoulders, but it is one that you accept as you can see the changes you make within yourself have a positive impact on the world at large. Tact, diplomacy and refinement will serve you well throughout this month.


Your incredible drive to produce works of art, inspired by your subconscious and driven by your certainty that it will make money, needs to be tempered by a real humanitarian drive. Usually this is your modus operandi, but the tumultuous situation in the bank account might be motivating you in a different direction. You might be tempted to reveal secrets in your drive for fame. Make sure that all that you do, provides but also protects. Your can be the positive manifestation of patriarchal energy this month. Govern your actions appropriately.


You may be feeling tormented or a little hopeless this month. Your faith is being challenged and upsets are happening in your very foundations. This can be your home or just the foundations of who you are in some respect. Balancing your ambitious feelings and your desire to get ahead this month will help. Your hopes and dreams and all that you know are being overhauled right now. A serious assessment of your relationships and partnerships, whether they are business related or romantic, will help you get back on track. With the Sun in your 12th house later in the month, rest and contemplation will also help the process.


Your revolutionary ideas might get noticed this month. This is why it’s important what you say, how you say it and when you say it. You must also have the courage of your convictions. Stand first in what you believe and do not allow your emotions to waver. Enormous success awaits you if you can do that. Trust your own inner knowing this month. Checking in with psychics or other externals this month can throw you off and empty your pockets. This month is a test of faith and resilience. Press on!


You have an extraordinary ability to manifest this month. With so much going on in your ninth house, you’re the one who will be able to see and communicate with vision. Your intuition can guide relationships to a higher ground. Pisces, you can be very indecisive. Now is not the time for that. All of your resources must be focused in order to manifest your heart’s desire and those of the world too. Do not question what you know. Towards the end of the month your creativity may start to spring forth.


Juno Moneta A$trology

Business Lady MoneyOne of the epithets that describe Juno is Moneta. This is because she was the protectress of funds in Roman times. She stood guard over the mint where coins were made. She is associated with the goddess Mnemosyne (memory) and is, therefore, also associated with keeping records, or accounts.

In truth, many women are in charge of the finances at home are in roles and careers where they make more money than ever in history and are on a larger scale than ever running their own businesses. We have evolved from being property to owning property. Click here for a brief history of Marriage.

Juno Moneta A$trology is about empowering women economically. We want to give you that extra edge financially. Let’s face it; we tend to be uncomfortable with investing, budgeting and making big financial decisions… And when it comes to decisions, many women move beyond just a logical decision to making decisions from their heart and their intuition… so a little astrological advice can be helpful. In fact, astrology is one of the best kept secrets of stockbrokers and financial investors. This is because the markets respond to movements of the planets, especially the moon and the Sun.  Not only do stock markets respond to astrology, so do all facets of business activity.

So what are the important things to consider when making a business deal, accepting a job offer, buying a car or real estate and business activity in general?

Here are some business astrology basics.


When things are done during the moon void of course a couple of things will happen… or better put, not happen. The moon void of course means that the moon is not engaged and for business deals to turn out, they must be done when the moon is engaged. This means that the moon is making an applying aspect to one of these planets: Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, or Jupiter. The moon is the first action of the event chart and if it’s sleepy, the action taken during that time will also be sleepy. Therefore, actions taken during the moon void of course will not get off the ground, nothing will happen or they will just plain fail.

Now, the moon void of course is not a time when we throw our hands up and say “I can’t do anything, the moon is void of course.” You may want to start things that you know you would like to go nowhere. For instance, I met with my lawyer for the first time on a legal issue that I knew I didn’t want to go to court. When negotiating, I made sure to squeeze the opposing side into a void of course time frame; I knew their threats would go nowhere.

The proof is in the pudding, so try it out. Check back on a deal you made that didn’t work out to see if you initiated it when the moon was void of course.

Okay, so how do we use the moon? The moon phases can be used effectively just by moving in line with the flow of the moon cycles. Initiating new activities should be done at or just after the new moon. It’s a great time to set goals and create visions and plans. When the moon is in its first quarter it’s time to get in there and get things done. Now you should be in motion with your plans from the new moon. Things culminate at the full moon. This is when you see the fruits of your efforts. After the full moon at the last quarter, things will be in decline. It’s wrap-up time. Many things need more than 28 days to come to fruition, but even those things will have better results if they are in flow with the moon cycles.


Mercury retrograde is a little more familiar to most. It happens about three times a year for about three weeks. Mercury rules communication, vehicles, travel and commerce; and during those three weeks those things can mess up. Think about it. Communication is a biggie. If you are signing a deal you want to make sure that you understand one another, or that you’re not missing some important detail. Therefore, Mercury retrograde is a great time to research, review and recycle. Signing deals, initiating travel and buying vehicles are all bad ideas during this time because you will find later on that something was missed or that you got a lemon.


Venus retrograde is like going to the dollar store thinking you’re going to get a deal and then spending a whole lot of money on useless stuff or stuff that is tacky and breaks easily. Venus rules beauty, love and aesthetics, but it also rules money; so anything initiated during Venus retrograde can end up being costly in the end. If purchasing large investment items, they will be difficult to sell. If you have inventory for your business you may accidentally overstock and have a hard time moving items. If you’re in media or in the public eye, don’t do anything to your appearance as it will not turn out the way you expect it. Things to avoid include cutting your hair, cosmetic surgery and so on. Okay, Venus is retrograde for 40 days, which is a long time to not get your eyebrows done. If you need to, do it, but don’t try anything new. I did that before and ended up with wax being yanked out of my hair (not my eyebrow hair).


Mars rules action and defense, so anything started during Mars retrograde (which is long, 80 days), will be long and drawn out. Whoever initiates during Mars retrograde will lose, so it’s not a great time to start legal action against someone you’re hoping to win against. This doesn’t mean that you let others walk all over you. Instead, you might try mediation during this time or wait until Mars is direct. It’s a time to strategize and make plans rather than acting.


Jupiter is expansion; it’s the optimism of any business or transaction. When it’s retrograde, this can limit the expansion of an enterprise. So if you start a business during Jupiter retrograde, the company might have a hard time attracting clients or growing at an expected rate. Jupiter in a company chart often represents the leadership and when retrograde it can show up as someone who is shy or not aggressive in terms of sales and marketing.


Saturn gets a bad rap. That’s because it’s associated with responsibility and in a natal chart, with the lessons that one has to learn. It can be constriction and restriction. In a business chart, and also in a marriage or relationship chart, Saturn is a must! It provides the glue to keep you going when things get tough; it keeps business transactions grounded; it makes sure growth is happening at a reasonable rate. Saturn connections and a Saturn retrograde in a business or business transaction event chart is, therefore, something that you would like to see.

Note: All business and life decisions involve an element of risk. Astrology can be a great tool to aid decisions, however, please use at your own risk. Please see our legal disclaimer for more details.  

October Horoscope 2013

November starts with another Pluto-Uranus square. Wait, it’s October! Yes, but since that lovely square happens on November 1 I didn’t want you to be blindsided as October 1 starts with an exact square from the Sun to Pluto and an opposition to Uranus on the 3rd.

If you look at the images of the 1950s and then the 1960s you wonder how the world changed so much in seemingly overnight. Even the Beatles sounded wholesome in 1963 with Please Please Me and practically the next day were bizarre beyond belief with the white album… Revolution Number 9. Does anyone understand it? This music was born during the Pluto-Uranus conjunction in the mid-60s. Now during the series of Pluto-Uranus squares, we may finally come to understand what “Revolution Number 9” means.

John Lennon felt connected to the number with his birthday on the 9th and even changed his name to John Ono Lennon so that his name would add up to nine in numerology. But nine is not an easy path; it is the path of the humanitarian, which is sometimes fraught with conflict if one is to achieve real and lasting change. Those on the path of the nine have a responsibility to mankind. Some true number nines are Elvis, Mother Theresa, Bob Marley, Gandhi, Kurt Cobain. Because it’s such a hard path, it’s easy to crash and burn. Elvis and Kurt had trouble with it, but look at the impact of those who embraced it; Mother Theresa, Bob and Gandhi.

John was not a real nine; actually, he was a real jerk. Yoko Ono, his wife, was a nine however; and how she handled John may just be an example of the number nine approach. She loved him through his jerkiness. Though she loved him, she always did what she needed to do for herself.  And though it may not make sense to most, she even sent him packing at one point with a hall pass and her blessings. He spent 18 months in L.A., which he referred to his “lost weekend”. Through that relationship, John went from hitting women (old machismo) to writing Woman, a song for Yoko and a genuine apology to women and Jealous Guy (new machismo). She even found him crying one day while reading The First Sex
by Elizabeth Gould Davis after realizing the pain he (meaning men) had caused women. And once reunited, she got him to be a house husband and stay-at-home dad.

I thought we were talking about astrology here? Well, I believe these are number nine times. And the Sun square Pluto on the 1st will highlight the faults in the cracks. If the structure is not solid or working, it will bring up situations that force change. We can embrace that change in service to what is seeking to emerge or we can hold on tight.  Holding on tight can look like Elvis or Kurt, both of whom checked out in painful ways! Or we can choose the path of Bob! (And I don’t mean marijuana.) With Uranus in the mix on the 3rd, expect the unexpected. My best advice right now is to allow the unconscious to be conscious. Sit in meditation and ask your heart “What am I really feeling?” and let the truth of it emerge. The Sun is in Libra, so not only is finding balance is the key, but loving yourself and all involved through it.

Mercury will also be trine Neptune on October 1, so any heart-to-heart with yourself has the potential to be highly intuitive and spiritual. If you have ever tried to go into a meditative state and visualize and found that nothing emerged, today would be a good day to give it a second try. Whatever the case, if you try to address things with your logical mind, you may get lost.  If you are feeling rebellious or need to be free from obligation, meditate on what your cause really is. If you are feeling internal tension, meditate on what your ideas or beliefs are related to your responsibilities. Maybe your world view needs some revision. Are you harbouring a false belief about the world that is causing you to act in self-sabotaging ways? These questions are answered with your heart, not your mind. Saturn is sextile Vesta, so we can feel strong devotion to duties and obligations. One word of caution however; keep your own counsel on the first as Mercury is squaring Juno, attracting us to people and conversations that will keep us in our minds. This is also all happening around the New Moon on October 4, a tense New Moon.

A couple of days later it’s way better for having a dialogue about what’s going on. Mercury is sextile Pluto on October 6, making it a good time to pierce further into the issue with a coach, psychologist, tarot reader or astrologer.   Good decisions are made when using the head and the heart together. The Sun is sextile Pallas on that day, so recognition of patterns within ourselves can be aided when they are reflected back to us through the mirroring that may occur in these types of interactions.

After basking in the unconscious, intuition and your heart in the first week of October, Mercury will conjunct Saturn on October 8, making it a good day to pull out a spreadsheet and assess the pros and cons in a logical manner. This is when some pessimism can seep in, but there is no need to make any moves just yet. Just let it all swim around and mix together. Jupiter sextile Ceres on the 9th will make sure that you are covering all state of affairs and viewpoints. Maybe this is related to your children or something else you are nurturing, even if it’s only your own inner child. Solid insight will come later in the month, so hold tight.

In the meantime, on October 10 Venus will be square to Neptune, making it a great day to just forget all that’s been going on and spend the day dreaming. It’s a great day to let yourself be creative. Write a poem or do some painting. If you don’t feel that you are the creative type, you can lose yourself in a great movie. Not in front of the TV or your tablet… make a production of it and go to the movie theatre. Venus will be trine Uranus on October 16, another day to go out and have some fun. This time try to find something unusual or exciting to do. It’s October, so finding a fun house or haunted theme park shouldn’t be too hard. If you have the guts, there is always The Stanley Hotel in Colorado, where the Shining was filmed and where they have actual ghost tours! I don’t really like to be scared, but I do like the part where you get to scream and find an excuse for jumping in your lover’s arms. This is the perfect day for that!

The Sun is square Jupiter on the 12th giving us a boost of energy. If you have been stagnating on a project get working on it. Keep the momentum by throwing yourself into work on the 13th when Mercury will sextile Vesta, providing laser-like focus. It’s a day that you may put your head down to work only to lift it at 3:30 p.m. and realize you’ve missed lunch.

On the 19th, Mars will oppose Neptune. This will be a day when it feels as though someone has pulled out the plug. Energies will be low and we may all feel like withdrawing. There has been so much going on in the world and likely in your life that this is understandable. Let yourself catch your breath. Better days are ahead.

We have a lunar eclipse on October 18 at 25 degrees Aries. Astrologer Bernadette Brady calls this a gentile eclipse with a sense of inspiration, which allows a sudden release from the unconscious that brings with it deep insight. She calls them good insights and wise to act on. If you have been allowing yourself to dream and to meditate all month, this will be a productive eclipse. Jupiter sextile Vesta on October 19 will give you the vision and dedication to follow through. Finally, some action!

Mercury goes retrograde on October 21 in Scorpio. Students taking chemistry beware. Mess-ups can happen at this time by misreading directions and causing small explosions. Research done at this time may need to be revised. Decisions in big business may fall through later on or be fraught with hiccups. Mercury retrograde will again touch Saturn in a conjunction on the 29th bringing some pessimism into the mix. Don’t get too down on yourself if things are not going well. Just remember there are always valuable lesson in our failures and mix-ups.

Gemstone that will help with the energy this month is Cobaltoan Calcite. This gemstone works with the heart, aligning us with the feminine, balancing our emotions and promoting positive thinking. It opens the heart centre and would be a good one to meditate on decisions to come from the heart.



Transformations have been happening for a while in your career and ambitions. This month something will come up or you may act in ways that will throw a curve ball on your major relationship. There will be uncomfortable decisions with respect to your dedication to your workplace and your shared resources. Enjoying some time with friends might be a great idea mid-month, but this is not a good time to lend friends money.


Unconscious material, the stuff you have locked away and prefer not to think about will rise to the surface in a positive way this month. The tension that arises with the responsibilities you feel to your partner and your children will help this to occur. I know you like to throw yourself into gardening or some other distraction, but talking it out at some point will help you. You connect best this month with traditional sources, like a priest or pastor.


This month you will experience new beginnings and perhaps an aha moment when it comes to those things that you are seeking to create.  Your hopes and life expectations are in revolt and you are getting clear about the life you want to lead. Family and work pressures will only serve to make it crystal clear.  A chat with a coworker can have surprising insight. Getting out with a friend mid month will be fun and romantic sparks may even fly.


Crazy things are happening in your career. You’re working it out with your family, which feels comfortable to you. You feel that sense of duty to your children and those in your immediate surroundings, but don’t ignore the real adjustments that might need to take place. Changing the way you do things may seem okay on paper, but you actually have to follow through and feel the discomfort of change. Going out with coworkers later in the month can be a blast!


You’re learning, you’re communicating; this may be having a huge effect on your long held beliefs. Higher education has a way of doing that. You are likely in the midst of higher learning or are planning a trip to a far off land for a transformative experience. You feel dedicated to doing this as you feel in some way down the line it will help provide for yourself and your family in important ways. The bank and the family might not agree with you. Think this one through. Ask mom or someone like her to pray for you. The answers will emerge.


Work it out with the bank and you might find yourself in new surroundings. You might have some surprises when it comes to your romantic relationships and deeply intimate relationships. If you feel confused, have a chat with a sibling. Your brother or sister knows you and won’t let you lie to yourself.  You may feel deep exhaustion mid month when it comes to your partner. Mid month have some fun with a female in your life that feels like family – it could even be mom.


Whatever happens with your relationship… and it might be a something from left field, will help all of that stuff swimming around in your subconscious to emerge. The best part is that it has the potential to transform those family wounds that run deep. Healing family wounds can be a powerful way of completely transforming your life and all other relationships, so don’t avoid it. Dramatic results can be apparent in your self-worth and in turn the wealth and worth you manifest from it.


Work has been throwing you some curve balls lately. All kinds of secrets or things that have not been so apparent are rising to the surface. An exit due to health reasons or even a scandal might be some manifestations of this. You’re not sure how to express yourself in this circumstance and you’re not sure who your friends are either. You might find yourself venting with a neighbour over a cup of coffee. This might be amazingly helpful.  You might be surprised by a raise of change of position later in the month.


You’re figuring out how you can express your creativity in line with your humanitarian efforts. Your passion and dedication is admirable. But if you’re keeping the lid on anything with the idea that you don’t want to hurt anyone, think first of all that it might not be a good idea and then that thing eventually will come to light. You have good intentions but sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions. A chat with your banker or accountant might be truly helpful. Blow off steam with children mid-month; it’s sure to be tons of fun.


Your foundations are going through major transformation. This is not easy. Remember the foundation is the most important part of the house and any mess up on a foundation renovation can be costly. Right now you are working it out with your boss or other authority figure in your life. The legalities seem to be working out in terms of manifesting your hopes and wishes but you must also consider how the house will settle. And when it does, what adjustments will need to be addressed? If you’re having a hard time assessing what you really feel, friends will act as good mirrors.


Something is going on on a very deep level with you. You may not be able to put your finger on it, others might not either. Whatever you’re doing seems to be making itself very public and is causing everyone around you including yourself to feel a little tense.  You may feel that these intense and public experiences are in service to the people and your usual humanitarian efforts. Perhaps perceptions have not caught up to you yet. Be patient with yourself as you do tend to be on the leading edge. Meditation to help name what’s going on can be helpful. Sometimes more social change needs to happen before your ideas are accepted but naming what’s happening will help your own comfort level.


Miracle or debacle… it could go one way or another when it comes to your finances this month. I’m rooting for miracle. You might have some tremendous luck building international partnerships. The funding or the cash flow may not be so straight forward. You’re good at having faith in nebulous situations and that will serve you well this month. Advice from friends can be useful. Try not to dwell on partnerships that have not worked in the past or let those old voices or old and long gone situations of that past take hold in your mind in negative ways.


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