Pluto in Aquarius (2023 – 2032) – Bitcoin vs CBDC’s

All signs have a higher and a lower expression and Pluto drudges up the lower energies within the sign it transits in to transform and bring up all the darkness that lies within it. To help you understand how it works, Pluto in Saggitarius and Pluto in Capricorn to summarize what happened in the transits through the last two signs.  This will help us understand how it might show up while Pluto transits through Aquarius.

Pluto in Sagittarius (1995 – 2008)

During Pluto in Sagittarius which is ruled by Jupiter – the areas affected were international affairs, travel, publishing, and religion (with religious wars). In its lower form, it brought up fundamentalism, international issues and issues related to publishing.

    • Terrorism/fundamentalism (9/11) (difficulty with borders)
    • Wikileaks (uncovering of information)
    • Facebook and other social media and other ways of sharing information (university connection platform turned into a platform for the world)
    • Globalization (production of products and parts in all parts of the world)

Pluto in Capricorn (2008 – 2023)

When thinking about Pluto in Capricorn’s lower expression, think of the Devil Card in Tarot  – materialism, fear, temptation to pursue ambition and status at all costs… selling your soul to the devil. It represents greed, one of the seven deadly sins, scapegoating (connected to karma and responsibility) and hierarchies…. Pluto the planet of power, transformation, and the underworld moved into Capricorn and stirred up transformation. It represents large and old institutions – the government, old money corporations, etc.

The following are some of the major stories to emerge related to the government. During this transit we saw:

    • Housing Crisis/Money – Bitcoin – (government bailout of banks and the Bitcoin backlash)
    • Arab Spring December – 2010 – 12 (backlash against the totalitarian government)
    • Occupy wall street – Pluto square Uranus – Sept 2011 (backlash against large corporations)
    • Black Live Matter – 2013 – 2020 (backlash against the police – a government agency)
    • Edward Snowden Leak – 2013 (showing the government spying on its citizens)

The last two are deep speculation/conspiracy theory

    • Covid 19 – 2020 – 2023 (the lab leak theory – government involvement in creating the virus that impacted all citizens of the world)
    • SBF/FTX – 2022 (government entanglement with crypto exchanges)
    • Jeffery Epstein (government and finance – See One Nation Under Blackmail)

Pluto in Capricorn started with money and the banking crisis and is ending with money issues with SBF/FTX, though riots against totalitarian governments have also returned (Brazil, Iran, China and others), I will focus on the money as this presents the biggest revolution that we may see while Pluto is in Aquarius with people taking back the power through decentralized currency or people being completely controlled through Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

The Banking/Housing Crisis/Bitcoin

Money is Power.  With Pluto in Capricorn, corruption within this entire system was uncovered.

Money is the current mechanism by which we exchange. We exchange our labour or our products/valuables. We then use that money to support our life… to pay for our basic needs (clothes, food and shelter) and beyond that to enjoy life (entertainment, travel, or whatever we enjoy).

Corruption in the monetary system reached a height in 2008 with the housing crisis… if you were caught up in it and you were the average person, you lost your house. If you were a bank, you got a bailout. This left many with a loss of trust in the system and one person, in particular, did something about it; Satoshi Nakamoto.

Bitcoin was created in Jan 2009 in response to the crooked and corrupt system. A peer-to-peer ledger system (P2P) it was created to take out the middleman; the central banks run by old money and the government! Embedded in the Bitcoin genesis block was a message that read: “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.”

Trust failures result in systemic collapses, trust curation creates inequality and monopoly lock-in, and naturally arising trust choke-points can be abused to deny access to due process. Through the use of cryptographic proof, decentralized networks and open source software Bitcoin minimizes and replaces these trust costs. ` Bitcoin

Essentially Bitcoin is a ledger (an accounting record) recording transactions; it’s permissionless, borderless, anonymous, private, censorship-resistant, fast, cheap, settled like cash and available 24/7’s.

You can store value on Bitcoin; Only 21 million Bitcoin will ever exist, it has no storage cost, it’s easy to protect and hide, has no counterparty risk (no one can confiscate them from you), and you can have divided possession.

With these features, Bitcoin challenged the need to have currency controlled by central banks.

The Astrology

Bitcoin’s Birth is Jan 3, 2009. All astrologers use this date except Jessica Adams. Jessica Adams bases her predictions for Bitcoin using the birthdate of Satoshi Nakamoto. It’s generally agreed that Satoshi is a pseudonym and it’s likely their birthdate is based on important dates in the world of gold. The day it was outlawed in America and the year that law was rescinded. The birthday is therefore not a real birthday. This is not unusual in Astrology, there are other fictional astrology charts, for instance, the composite relationship chart that takes two people’s birthdates and finds the median birth date. That date tells you a lot about the relationship, which is a third entity. Using Satoshi’s birth, Jessica outlines numerous dates in 2022 when she expected to see the price of Bitcoin become volatile. Checking the fluctuations in Bitcoin vs Gold for the dates outlined showed that gold made dramatic moves on those dates and Bitcoin did not. The Satoshi Nakamoto birthdate is therefore related more to gold.


Compare Gold prices on those dates at and Bitcoin prices at

Ruling that chart out, we will look at the Jan 3, 2009 Bitcoin chart.

We can see the reason why it was created by looking at the moon. The moon in a chart like this also shows the investors and customers. The moon in the Bitcoin chart is in Aries, which describes those who emotionally value freedom, enterprising and pioneering activities, and self-expression.

The moon is conjunct Siva (not Siwa) which represents a catabolic process that precedes insight. In the negative, it represents the destruction of fixated beliefs and stagnation.

The moon is also conjunct Bienor “This Centaur is connected to the self-organization of elements in a chaotic system”. Often it connects people or objects in a synchronistic way or in a destined way.

The moon is squaring Pluto, which is 1 degree into Capricorn and just starting its transformation of all Capricorn structures; Government, the status quo, old traditional structures – big business and old family money.

Pluto was conjunct with two other asteroids with similar meanings, Osiris, the Egyptian god of change and transformation and Arwan, the Welsh mythological King of the underworld.

Pluto is conjunct Arrokoth which is about no limits, no restraints, and no accountability and Psyche which is about the soul.

Together this shows the tension between the investors of bitcoin who are freedom-loving people stimulating the breakdown of a complex structure and able to self-organize within a chaotic system and the need to deeply transform old government and old structures (like the central and world banks) who have reached a point of no restraints, no accountability and who, if you were asked to look into their psyche, seems to have sold their soul to the devil. No longer representative of the people or representative of democracy, they push to hold onto control or die.

The Sun sits at 13’30 degrees of Capricorn. The Sun, therefore, speaks of who and what Bitcoin is and also what it shows itself to the world as. The Sun is also the chart ruler since the rising sign is Leo. The Sabian symbol for this degree is “An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture”. The Sabian symbol points to ancient enduring truths and values. it harkens back to the initial reasons for the creation of money. So what Bitcoin is is a representation of what money should be.

Critics have said that Bitcoin was created as a precursor to CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currency) by the current powers. Some others say it was created by the black market or drug trade. There is evidence that the drug trade was concerned about government programmable and digital control. With the Sun in the Bitcoin chart conjunct with Baccus, I would lean towards the drug trade. In astrology, Baccus represents alcohol and another excess. Bitcoin might have also been created by someone who was liberated to be a free thinker within the system!

Further, the way that Bitcoin is seen is shown by the rising sign, which is Leo. Its conjunct Sila-Nunam, named after two Inuit creation gods, which have come to mean the “ability to take the long view”.

So in summary, bitcoin emerged at the beginning of the Pluto in Capricorn transit, posing a threat to the government, centralized financial authority and power. It grew over the transit,  increasing its threat over time and becoming a hedge by those worried about governments printing money during the covid 19 pandemic.

SBF (Sam Bankman-Fried) and FTX

One of the things that also grew over the transit of Pluto in Capricorn was the structures around accessing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Initially, crypto trading/exchange platforms were very unregulated and then it was declared that they came under the securities Acts, which meant that a license to operate as a trading platform was required.

The governments are telling you that crypto is a Ponzi scheme, when in fact it’s the (licensed trading/exchange platforms that are). But with the FTX bankruptcy and the SBF fraud discovered, it also uncovered many links to political parties, big corporations and war.

Pluto in Aquarius – Power to the People or Technocracy?

The energy of Pluto in Aquarius brings destruction and transformation in technology (computers, Artificial intelligence), media (including social media), groups and networks (humanitarian and political) and innovations. The water in the jar of the sign for Aquarius represents intellect and spirit.

Pluto will transform what needs to be changed. It seems likely that computers and social media will experience deep transformation. Much of it, in relation to history, is very new and young. Humanitarian Groups and Political networks will also feel this transformation. Revolution is a likely occurrence and while we saw revolts before, with Pluto in Aquarius they will be far more impactful. Humanity is transformed as Aquarius represents intellect and spirit. Do we merge with computers to become superhumans? Or do we evolve to tap into areas of our being, or our spirit in ways that are untapped? It is said we use only 10% of our brains, less than 10% of our DNA, but the Egyptians in ancient Kemetology say that we have not 5 or even 6 senses, but 360 senses.  This becomes important if the power goes to the people. Holding Power means being responsible with that power. And we can only be responsible if we step into our own power.

In past Pluto in Aquarius transits, which was in 1777 to 1798, Uranus the modern-day ruler of Aquarius was discovered. The traditional ruler is Saturn. This shifted the consciousness into energy into a quickening of change. The declaration of independence in the United States was signed in 1776 in response to corruption in the government and oppression and the revolt continued and succeed into the Pluto in Aquarius transit. The French revolution was a revolt against the monarch and feudalism in France and also succeeded in taking down those structures.

Astrologically, the first thing that will happen when Pluto enters Aquarius will be a square to the North Node with Jupiter in Taurus in May 2023. The Pluto and Jupiter conjunction happened in early 2020. This was the start of the cycle between Pluto and Jupiter, so when Jupiter squares Pluto it goes into its first quarter phase where the seeds planted in the conjunction of 2020 are moved into action. This is also an evolutionary turning point with Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus and squaring Pluto. Taurus is the sign of money and security, so we will likely see a shift in the story with money – This harkens back to digital currencies, Will there be a revolution between central vs decentralized currency? As mentioned, when governments started printing currency during the 2020 covid19 pandemic, people started to put their money into Bitcoin as a hedge (money or currency printing cannot happen in Bitcoin, which is part of its design). On the other hand,  the WEF suggested that the pandemic could be used to initiate a global reset including a financial reset.

Pluto goes back into Capricorn in June 2023 and stays in a square with the North Node which moves in Aries. This again puts the focus on government transformation for one last hurray! This square is one of the reasons for this article. A square to the nodes is decision time. We have free will and we can decide how the transits play out.  With the North Node in Aries, do we step into our power and call to account the abuses of power within the government and old structures?

Pluto returns to Aquarius in 2024. Then in July 2026, Pluto in Aquarius (the people) opposes Jupiter in Leo (the leadership).  Focusing again on currency, in 2026 we also have another interesting lineup of planets. Saturn/Neptune conjunction 0 Degrees of Aries (2026) which is a 36-year cycle. This is on the Federal Reserve Bank’s Midheaven and squares their Sun. Saturn at the mid-heaven is Karmic and Neptune could dissolve this structure. The US chart also has 0 degrees of Aries at their IC indicating their foundations. With the Federal Reserve MC conjunct, it’s IC, this may be a change for the US as well.

It’s also conjunct Bitcoin’s Moon and squares its Pluto/Mars conjunction.  Investors will be afflicted with doubts, confusion, and a lack of confidence, but it also can mean that they detach themselves from the material, forming instead more altruistic ideals.

It should be remembered that Bienor, which is able to hold itself in the midst of chaos is conjunct with the Bitcoin moon.  Though there may be a  lack of confidence this shows the ability to stay centred and endure. Perhaps those who use it are going through some sort of spiritual awakening. Right now Bitcoin is seen as a hedge or an investment, but what would it take for it to become a currency used for day-to-day transactions used to buy our necessities? Perhaps it goes the way of the VHS and a DVD version of decentralized currency comes along? Perhaps a CBCD world currency is established and Bitcoin needs to re-jig to stay alive and to continue to challenge the corrupt government structures.

A Pluto in Aquarius black pill: During Pluto in Aquarius in the 1500’s the divine right of the King under Henry the 8th (done so he could divorce his wife) was established and the rise of Ivan the Terrible in Russia with large impacts on the people. The people experienced deep change and tyrannical control.

What about on a personal level? I usually say during Pluto Transits that it’s best to consciously express the planet’s energy. If not, the planet will go to weaknesses and put unwanted pressure there. During this time, Pluto will make hard aspects to planets in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. Themes in the larger picture will likely make their way into your personal life to challenge you to grow and transform, to take back your power or to make you understand your relationship to various forms of transformation and power.

Saturn in Pisces (March 2023 – May 2025)

While Saturn is in Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025) it will bring restriction, obligation, discipline, structure and law to all things Pisces. Pisces is a water sign and rules all things related to water; oceans, shipping, fishing and fishies. It rules liquids and gases; oil, gas, chemical and even alcoholic beverages.  It rules the unconscious, boundaries or lack of them. It rules imagination, film, storytelling, fiction and fantasies. Finally, it rules helping professions; therapists, those jobs in jails and jobs in hospitals.  Saturn is a karmic planet, and it also brings things to a head… giving rewards or restrictions depending on the actions taken leading up to its visit.  For that reason, the transit of Saturn in Pisces should be set against the backdrop of what has been happening in the lead-up.

A major lead-up has been the Saturn/Uranus square while Saturn was in Aquarius, putting pressure on independent, unconventional or rebellious thoughts and actions. It restricted disruptions, non-conformity and opinions outside of mainstream thought. It did so through Aquarius-ruled mediums like the Internet and media. Uranus was in (and is still in Taurus) adding to the tension upsets in all areas of safety and security; food and food supplies, money, securities and banking. Some gladly participated in Saturn’s restrictions as a trade-off for security. Others rebelled and pushed for freedom. If you were team Uranus/Aquarius… you held on to libertarian ideas. If you were team Saturn/Taurus… you went for security and rules. As Saturn moves into Pisces, the sign of duality (the two fishes), we can expect the divide that was created to go deeper.

In the fight for security and rules, Saturn in Pisces rules quarantine zones, drugs, drug use, pharmacology, doctors, nurse and surgeons. We may see structures created around these Piscean things to help further the ideas of security and safety. We may also see the fallout of lockdowns… burnout and shortfalls in the helper professions, or a karmic coming-to-a-head situation in the drug and opioid crisis.

In the fight for freedom, those on the libertarian side of things were accused of being conspiracy theorists… the constitution, common law, and natural law all came up. One interesting claim is that we are in fact we are ruled by maritime/admiral law supported by the claim that “birth Certificates” are slave instruments and we are “berths” of a ship.  An interesting theory, and yes, out of curiosity I did go and check out what I was worth on the stock market. I found nothing. Others have claimed they found their “berth stock” and were worth thousands. Well, Pisces rules all things maritime (including maritime law)… incidentally, it also rules conspiracies, secret societies and all things hidden. Pisces rules fantasy, imagination, magic, spiritual and alien lifeforms, and Saturn will bring a rather large drop of reality into to these areas, helping to separate the wheat from the shaft. Truths from fiction! There may be some disappointments on one hand and hard realities or confirmed truths (conspiracies) on the other. Just remember, the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction!

In the lead-up to this Saturn in Pisces transit, the economy was also affected. Industries such as shipping, and oil, began to suffer and as these industries are ruled by Pisces, Saturn will increase restrictions and ultimately change structures.

Saturn’s ruling planet during the Saturn in Pisces transit is Neptune…Neptune is in Pisces and will remain there for the duration. A constant theme will be real vs idealistic. By the end of the transit Saturn will catch up to Neptune and the two will integrate and finally conjunct at 0 degrees of Aries. It may be a bumpy path, but we should have a solid balance between the two energies by the end.

One good outcome of Saturn in Pisces is if we have done our work, Saturn can help to bring our dreams into reality!

Those experiencing their Saturn returns; born between 1964-1967 (turning 58 years) and 1993 – 1996 (turning 29 years) will experience Saturn strongly. Lessons will come in the areas of suffering, depression, loss, addictions, and areas of faith, They may experience challenges to boundaries and their sense of self. My advice is to meet your lessons head-on; therapy, rehab, or a spiritual pilgrimage may be just the right thing.

Use of the Narrative

A good way to consciously use the energy of Saturn in Pisces is to use it to create. Pisces is the sign of storytelling, role-playing, fiction, poetry, painting, film, movies and plays. It’s also a sign of dreams. For these to come into creation, they need structure. Saturn is Pisces will give us that structure. Put in the work and the structure and Saturn in Pisces can be a very productive time. Some things you can do:

In psychology, the narrative is a social constructionist theory. It separates you from your problems and says that we define our story and as such, we can also redefine it. What stories do you tell about yourself and about the world?

On an esoteric level, words are spells. The words we use and the way in which we put them together are creative. They create our reality.

This is good news, because, if we have dreams, all we need to do is create spells to unleash them into our world. This is behind the practice of intention setting, scenario writing and creating a narrative.

What stories do you tell about yourself?

Most of us have a collection of stories we tell to others about our life and experiences and who we are. Consciously or unconsciously we have chosen these stories because they explain our success and failures, gifts and shortcomings. When they explain our failures and shortcomings, they recreate them over and over and over. For example – I grew up poor is the story that someone might tell about why they cannot achieve in their life. I grew up poor is also a story that someone might tell to explain why they are so successful. They will often say “I told myself, I would rise up out of this). Their words created a narrative that they then fulfilled.

What stories do you tell about the world?

Often you will see world governments and elite organizations use this tool to create a narrative for the world in which they would like to see. Books like the “Great Reset” or military exercises, and white paper scenarios are all ways in which they are detailing a world and a narrative that they want to see.

Many of us freak out if this is not the world we want to see, but then spend inordinate amounts of time obsessing on these stories… and in so doing, we help them to create it! When we collectively do this, we collectively give away our power.

With Saturn in Pisces, now is the time to create a writing practice to change that narrative. You can also create art, poems, stories, movies etc. The idea is to start putting into detail the dreams, creations, and solutions you would like to see in your life and in our world.





Values, Food and Finance Revolution – Mars, Uranus and the North Node

Mars, Uranus and the North Node meet on August 1st. Since the North node oscillates and Mars likes to trigger a couple of days in advance, we are in for about a two-week period of groundbreaking energy. Everything is about to get a little bumpy… Since this energy is happening in Taurus, I wanted to write a post getting you thinking about how to work gracefully with the energy. Talking leadership in your life means being forewarned and making conscious decisions

First I’d like to start with what each of these planets/points means and how they operate together.

Uranus is revolution, change, and technology. It’s the planet of the unexpected, of surprises and of sudden moves or upsets.

Mars is an action-oriented planet. It’s movement, ambitions, drive, fighting and war.

The North Node is the direction in which we are evolving or meant to be evolving. You’ve likely already become aware of the topics Taurus is bringing up; money (finance, banking, investments), values (our enduring beliefs), valuables (car, house, jewels) and land (agricultural, farming).

So when you add Uranus and Mars to these evolving directions, then you get tectonic shifts in any or all of these areas.

Our governments are guiding the direction in a particular way; implementing new structures; policy, legislation and guidance. Their plan all over the world involves revolutionizing money, food, valuables and even our values. Globally the governments are planning for digital currency, chocolate-covered bugs and other bug food products, and ownership of nothing. New values include a focus on gender inclusion and reducing your habits for the good of the environment, for example flying less or eating less meat. Maybe you are happy with these changes, maybe you don’t really know what they mean or how they will affect you or perhaps you are just plain opposed to the plan.

Wherever you are coming from, things are going to change. What I always say about Uranus, whether in your personal life or in the world at large, is that you need to make it conscious and to make conscious choices around it. If you don’t… it will make choices for you and not always in the direction you would like.

How are people reacting so far? Riots are happening in countries currently going broke, farmers are rising up in Europe against policies that will negatively affect them, inflation is skyrocketing everywhere causing our possessions to hold less and less worth and for people to panic in terms of where to put their hard-earned cash – real estate? Bitcoin? Stocks? Bonds?.. they all look bleak. All of this plus backlash against movements that are trying to shift our values; gender identity, abortion rights, freedom rights and our right to eat meat and potatoes daily!

If you are happy with the direction… enjoy the ride… if not… design your own ride! Like I said, resistance is futile. We must change! Uranus will make sure of that. If you don’t like what is happening, you cannot stand still! You cannot stick your head in the sand and you cannot revolt without a replacement plan. What does your Taurus look like? What is your vision for the future? Don’t like digital currency? What currency system would you have instead? Don’t like eating bugs and no meat? What would you need to do to ensure a table of the foods you love? Make a list of changes to the financial system, food system, and changes in societal values that are pushing your buttons then don’t just take to the streets, dig deep and develop a new way. Like I said, revolting to what we find revolting is not enough… the north node in Taurus wants a redesign!

Let me go back a little bit to share the astrological setup for this…

In 2020 we entered a new economic epoch. This forms the backdrop of economic changes. On December 21, 2020, the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in the sign of Aquarius started a shift to a new form of economy. One based on air qualities rather than the last 300 or so years of earth. This shift will help to bring us into the age of Aquarius. My personal opinion is that the earth energy for the last 300 years or so enjoyed a centralized system. While earth is concentrated in one spot, the air is defused… it’s decentralized. In fact, we’ve slowly been moving towards it. The internet disrupted everything, decentralizing music, media, travel, transportation, learning and more. To put a cap on further decentralization, governments need to regulate… they need to stop the decentralization of money – crypto such as bitcoin and Ethereum are a big threat. Media has decentralization a little too much for their comfort level, so has the ability to organize and protest. New legislation is all about controlling crowds, controlling media information (revolution), and controlling the currency.

But do we need government? Do they have our best interest at heart? or can that also be decentralized? Pluto has been transforming government and large corporate structures since 2008 and with its stay in Capricorn coming to a close by January 21, 2024, we are seriously questioning “what have you done for me lately?

Intrinsically there is nothing wrong with a new upgrade financial system, or farming system. There is nothing wrong with supporting the environment or even evolving what we can possess. The First Nations owned nothing and didn’t even have a concept of it. Nor is there anything wrong with upgrading our values. Ultimately Taurus wants us ALL to recognize that worth doesn’t belong to just a couple of powerful (Scorpio)… worth belongs to us all (Taurus). And so the more we operate from a place of valuing ourselves, the more that we increase the value of the environment, the things we own, and the food we eat. We treat it with respect as the first nations did, and don’t rely on our governments to direct our behaviour to do so.

As Uranus, Mars and the North Node meet up, the acceleration for changes speeds up. Time to figure out where you stand!