The Dalai Lama was quoted as saying that the “world would be saved by the western woman”. I am not sure of his reasons for saying this, but one thing that I can say for sure is that if anyone has the power to do it it is the Western woman. We in the west have economic power. We have education and independence and we have laws that while sometimes may fail us in the existing system are in place to protect us and nurture us! Wow…what a gift that if we chose to, we can do so much with.
At the end of 2011 I took a trip to Nepal for a Trek and a trip of a lifetime. We were there seeking enlightenment on 11/11/11. I feel enlightenment, self esteem, feminine power are the right mix with our gift in the west to give us the off-the-charts power of changing the world.
On my voyage I met Sonam, who in addition to being our Sherpa Guide, runs with her husband an organization called the small world. Together they grew an organization that has built schools, shelters, and economic empowerment programs for women in a country were the development and protection of women in the midst of all else, is not a priority.
Nepal is a truly special place. A place where I felt instantly at home. The people, the beautiful mountains, the deeply spiritual culture. I met many truly feminist (not feminine… in fact quite the opposite) men. One expat I met while there commented that while many western men came to the east to find a nice servile woman, not in Nepal. For Nepal, it was the draw of the western women to the Nepali man. What I realized was that while the western women had economic power and needed enlightenment to realize there power and use it. The Napili women is very enlightened and in the East they need only economic power. They need education, and structures such as water systems to support their development. (it is the women’s role in the mountainous regions of Nepal to fetch water, which can take up half the day. The small world has also been instrumental in several water projects that have freed up the woman’s time to allow for education. A couple of us went back in March of 2012 and were shown first hand the incredible work that they have been doing

Since I am in Canada, I have set up donations on my donation button at to support charities that are partnered with the Small World. I think that Astrology is an amazing tool to help women here in the West with self understanding, direction and life purpose and so I have been providing reports with a donation to support one of these charities. If you feel moved to, and if you are in the US you can also support these guys by going to there site at