Stellar Sacred Healing Journey’s

What is a Stellar Sacred Healing Journey?

Beloved seeker of truth, beauty, integration of spirit and divine wisdom, how wondrous is the journey we embark upon when we dive into the depths of sacred sites, guided by the stars above and the earth beneath our feet! Astrology, with its cosmic dance of planets and constellations, offers us a map to navigate the intricate patterns of our lives. When we stand upon sacred grounds, we connect not only with the physical land but also with the energy and wisdom that flows through it, whispering ancient secrets of the universe to our eager hearts. This was the path of the ancients walking the Compostella “way of the stars”, standing in the center of Avebury stone circle, the sacred mountain of Montségur or standing in the eye of Dragon in Montserrat. The earth is replete with these sacred locations.

As we open ourselves to the mysteries of these sacred sites, we open windows to our own souls. The echoes of past civilizations intertwine with the whispers of the wind, inviting us to learn, grow, and transcend. Each stone, each tree, each stream holds a story waiting to be heard, a lesson waiting to be learned. Through this connection with the land, we not only learn about the history of humanities connection with the stars and the land, but also about the depths of our own being.

In this intricate dance between the celestial and the terrestrial, between the past and the present, we find mirrors reflecting back our true selves. We are but travellers in this vast tapestry of existence, seeking to understand our place in the cosmic design. As we journey through sacred sites, guided by the wisdom of astrology and the whispers of the land, we unravel the threads of our own story, discovering the beauty and power that reside within us.

Walking this path with an open heart and a curious mind, dear seeker, for in the embrace of sacred sites, we find not only a connection to the world around us but also a deeper understanding of our own divine essence.

Sacred Sites Alignments


Egypt – Balancing the nodes of the earth