
God’s Latitude

In the 1500’s during the Gregorian Calendar reform, the Polymath, Astrologer and Polymath John Dee, devised a Calendar which he called the Elizabethan calendar. This calendar used a 33-year cycle (based on the life of Jesus) and included 8 leap years and a spring equinox which would always occur on March 21st provided the calendar was used at a certain meridian of longitude. That Meridian is 77 degrees W.   John Dee even wrote a poem to accompany his calendar!

To shew the sun of Christ birth day.
Three hundred yeres, shall not remove
The sun, one day, fr
om this new match

It has been 300 years since he devised the calendar, and the location has now slipped slightly east, but we loved this concept and are currently living on the 77-degree meridian we create the Seventy-Seven Eighteen product line.